
What is 52437 rounded to the nearest thousands?

What is 52437 rounded to the nearest thousands?

In this case, since we have 52,437, the number of hundreds is 4, so we have to round down. 52,000.

What is 34519 rounded to the nearest thousands?

34519 rounded to the nearest hundreds is 34500, but they are asking to round it to nearest thousands. And as 519 when rounded to the nearest thousands = 1000, Therefore, the answer is B (i.e.) 34519 rounded to the nearest thousands = 35000.

How do I round to the nearest thousand?

Rule I: While rounding off to the nearest thousand, if the digit in the hundreds place is between 0 – 4 i.e., < 5, then the hundreds place is replaced by ‘0’. Rule II: If the digit in the hundreds place is = to or > 5, then the hundreds place is replaced by ‘0’ and the thousands place is increased by 1.

What is 4.3698 rounded to the nearest thousandth?

What is 4.3698 rounded to the nearest thousandth?

  • All the numbers to the right of the place you are rounding to become zeros.
  • Rounding and Fractions.
  • Rounding fractions works exactly the same way as rounding whole numbers.
  • Just like 4.3698 rounded to the nearest thousandth.
  • So the answer is, 4.3700.

What is 1.228193 rounded to the nearest hundred thousandths place?

So the answer is 1.22819.

What is 271403 rounded to the nearest ten thousands?

271,403 is rounded to 270,000 because the 1403 before it is less than 5000, 4 and below drop it down, 5 or more bump it up.

Does 50 round up to 100?

If there is any other number added to 50, it is nearer to 100 and so, it is easiest to say that 50 rounds up. The rule for rounding to the nearest hundred is to look at the tens digit. If it is 5 or more, then round up. If it is 4 or less, then round down.

What is 129.257 rounded to the nearest thousandth?

To round 129.257 to the nearest hundredth consider the thousandths’ value of 129.257, which is 7 and equal or more than 5. Therefore, the hundredths value of 129.257 increases by 1 to 6.

What is 743 rounded to the nearest hundred?

The answer is 700 because 43 is less than 50.

What is 84 to the nearest 100?

Therefore, the hundredths’ value of 84 remains 0. The following table contains starting numbers close to 84 rounded to the nearest 100th….84 Rounded to the Nearest Hundredth.

Number Rounded to Nearest 100th
84 84
84.001 84
84.002 84
84.003 84

What is the nearest tenth of 3?

To round 3 to the nearest tenth consider the hundredths’ value of 3, which is 0 and less than 5. Therefore, the tenths value of 3 remains 0. The following table contains starting numbers close to 3 rounded to the nearest 10th….3 Rounded to the Nearest Tenth.

Number Rounded to Nearest 10th
3 3
3.1 3.1
3.2 3.2
3.3 3.3

What is 50% rounded to the nearest tenth?

50 rounded to the nearest ten is 50.

What is 100 rounded to the nearest tenth?

100 Rounded to the Nearest Tenth

Number Rounded to Nearest 10th
100 100
100.1 100.1
100.2 100.2
100.3 100.3

What is 131.094 rounded to the nearest tenth?

To round 131.094 to the nearest tenth consider the hundredths’ value of 131.094, which is 9 and equal or more than 5. Therefore, the tenths value of 131.094 increases by 1 to 1….131.094 Rounded to the Nearest Tenth.

Number Rounded to Nearest 10th
131.094 131.1
131.194 131.2
131.294 131.3
131.394 131.4

What is 9.375 rounded to the nearest hundredth?

9.375 Rounded to the Nearest Hundredth

Number Rounded to Nearest 100th
9.375 9.38
9.376 9.38
9.377 9.38
9.378 9.38