What is 11 Charlie in the army?

What is 11 Charlie in the army?

In the Army, military occupational specialty (MOS) 11C, Indirect Fire Infantryman, is a member of a mortar squad, section or platoon. The mortar is an infantry unit’s most powerful weapon. And despite its name, the job of infantryman has been open to female soldiers since 2016.

Can you choose 11B or 11C?

How are infantry candidates classified between 11B and 11C? There are two choices here. You can enlist with 11B or 11C in your contract, or you can enlist with 11X in your contract and you will be assigned to be either an 11B or an 11C while in OSUT, which means you will be 11C.

What is 13 Bravo in the army?

Army Cannon Crewmembers are part of the Artillery Career Field (13) and responsible for firing howitzer cannons in support of infantry and tank units during combat. The cannon is one of many country’s military arsenal for hundreds of years.

What is a 13 Mike in the army?

Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Crewmember A multiple launch rocket system crewmember is responsible for operating and maintaining the entire multiple launch rocket system. They support infantry and tank units by supplementing cannon artillery during combat.

What is a 68 whiskey in the army?

SEMBACH, Germany – Army medics are an integral part of the military health system. The combat medic specialist, or 68 Whiskey, provides emergency medical treatment at the point of injury on the battlefield and at every stage of the treatment process.

What is a 92 Yankee in the army?

Army Unit Supply Specialists (MOS 92Y) perform and supervise tasks related to the general upkeep of the base. They are in charge of all Army supplies and equipment.

What is 12 Bravo in the army?

According to the U.S. Army, duties performed by 12-B combat engineers include: Construct fighting positions, fixed/floating bridges, obstacles, and defensive positions. Place and detonate explosives. Prepare and install firing systems for demolition and explosives.

Is 13B a dangerous MOS?

I can tell you that 13B is a tough job for tough men, especially young men that can take a lot physically. You will be in one of the more dangerous jobs in the military. The enemy threat is not significant in a war like Iraq or Afghanistan where it is dangerous mainly for infantry, engineers, and other front-line work.

What does a 12B do in the army?

Combat engineers supervise, or serve, as a member of a team, squad, section, or platoon. They are engaged in providing mobility, counter-mobility and survivability support to combat forces. For more information on MOS 12B , see this Army website.

Do Army engineers carry weapons?

Equipment and vehicles Combat engineers employ a wide range of transportation vehicles and equipment, and uses weapons unique to the engineers, including those used in land mine warfare.

Are sappers Special Forces?

In a broad sense, sappers were the absolute experts at demolishing or overcoming fortification systems. Currently the Army only authorizes four elite service tabs for wear on the uniform – the Special Forces tab, the Ranger tab and the President’s Hundred Tab as well as the Sapper Tab.

Do combat engineers get into firefights?

Originally Answered: how much combat do combat engineers see? As others have noted US combat engineers not only engage in traditional sapper operations but are trained and expected to act as infantry when called upon.

Can a 12B go airborne?

I also went to Airborne school as it was in my contract. A lot of what you are asking depends on where you end up, which depends on the needs of the Army. You can be a 12B your entire career if you choose. If they are an airborne unit you’ll go to airborne school.

Where do most 12B get stationed?

Duty Stations

  • Belvoir, VA.
  • Benning, GA.
  • Bliss, TX.
  • Bragg, NC.
  • Campbell, KY.
  • Carson, CO.
  • Drum, NY.
  • Hood, TX.

How long is 12B training?

14 weeks

Is 12B dangerous?

The combat engineer has always played a very vital and important role in the Army. They are known as one of the elite fighting forces in the Army. The duties they perform make this MOS one of the most dangerous occupations in the military.

Which military branch has the highest death rate?

The Marine Corps had the highest rate, according to the 2018 Department of Defense Suicide Event Report, followed by the Army, Navy and Air Force. The Corps’ 58 suicides represent a 31-per-100,000 rate, followed by the Army’s 139 suicides in 2018, for a rate of just under 30-per-100,000.

What is the most dangerous position in the military?

So, in no particular order, here are 10 of the most dangerous military jobs.

  1. Rifleman.
  2. Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) expert.
  3. Forward observer.
  4. Cavalry scout/Reconnaissance.
  5. Combat medic/Corpsman.
  6. Driver.
  7. Pararescue/Winchman.
  8. Combat engineer.

What is the most dangerous military branch?

Here are 10 of the most dangerous:

  • Infantry.
  • Cavalry.
  • Combat Engineers. Photo: US Marine Corps Cpl.
  • Artillery. Photo: US Army.
  • Medical. Photo: US Army Sgt.
  • Vehicle transportation. Photo: US Army.
  • Aviation. Photo: US Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Daniel McClinton.
  • Artillery observers. Photo: US Air Force Staff Sgt.

What is the correct order of military branches?

There are five military branches: The Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. The Army is commanded by a four-star general, known as the Army Chief of Staff. The top military member in the Air Force is the Air Force Chief of Staff.

Which military branch is the highest?

The Army