What instruments were used in ancient Greece?

What instruments were used in ancient Greece?

Although the ancient Greeks were familiar with many kinds of instruments, three in particular were favored for composition and performance: the kithara, a plucked string instrument; the lyre, also a string instrument; and the aulos, a double-reed instrument.

What was the first writing instrument?

A Brief Journey Through the History of Writing Instruments. About 50,000 to 60,000 years B.C., the stone hand axe would have been the first tool to be used by humans in attempting to scratch patterns into stone. Many such scrapers and gravers/burins have been found in caves in Southern France and Spain.

What is the oldest Greek writing?

MycenaeanThe earliest known Greek writings are Mycenaean, written in the Linear B syllabary on clay tablets.

What were the first writing instruments made of?

Scribes of Ancient Egypt used reed pens which were made from a single reed straw, cut and shaped into a point. As a surface for writing with these pens was used papyrus. Reed pens didn't last long when used and were too stiff so they were replaced with quills. Quills are pens made from flight feathers of large birds.