What has lots of eyes but Cannot see?

What has lots of eyes but Cannot see?

The answer to the “what has an eye but cannot see” riddle is a needle.

What has many needles but Cannot sew?

I have a thousand needles but I do not sew. What am I? Answer: A Porcupine.

What has 4 legs but Cannot walk?

The answer for What has four legs, but can’t walk? Riddle is “Table.”

What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door?


What is not alive but can die?

1. What is the answer to I Have No Life But I Can Die? Battery. A dead battery is referred to as a discharged battery.

What do you bury when it’s alive but dig up when it’s dead?

Question: You bury me when I’m alive, and dig me up only when I die. What am I? Answer: A plant.

What is something you own but others use more?

What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you? Answer: Your name.

What has hands and a face but can’t smile?

The answer to What has hands and a face, but can’t hold anything or smile Riddle is “Clock”.

What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast riddle?

What two things can you never eat for breakfast? Answer: Lunch and dinner.

What has a face but no eyes hands but no arms?

I have a face but no eyes, hands but no arms. What am I? Answer: A clock.

What has hands but Cannot wear gloves a face but Cannot look?

Answer. your question is What has hands but cannot wear gloves, a face but cannot look? Answer is A clock.

What has hands but no feet a face but no eyes but can not talk?

Originally Answered: What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, and tell but doesn’t talk? A clock. It tells the time with its hands.

What have teeth but Cannot eat?

As per the riddle, a comb has teeth but it can’t bite. Other inanimate objects with teeth like a saw, zipper, or gear can bite you. Hence comb is the correct answer.

What has many teeth but can’t bite riddle answer?

What has teeth but can’t bite? A comb. Other inanimate objects with teeth like a saw, zipper or a gear can “bite” you.

What is the hardest key to turn?

The answer to What is the hardest key to turn? Riddle is “Donkey.”

What gets bigger when more is taken away?

The answer to this riddle is just one word. The correct answer is ‘HOLE’. A hole in any kind of substance, may it be cloth, wall, wood or anything else, will only get bigger and bigger if you keep taking away more from it.

What has 6 faces and 21 eyes answer?

The answer to this puzzle is Dice! This little cube used in many games has six sides and when you add all the dots, you have 21.

What is black when you buy it red?

It is Charcoal which is black when we buy it or when not being used. It gets red in appearance when put in use means to say when burning. And eventually when it’s been consumed by fire or after getting burned out or used up, changes into ashes which look grey in color.

What is harder to catch the faster you run?

What is harder to catch the faster you run? Answer: Your breath!

What is the strongest creature in the sea Riddle answer?

What is the strongest creature in the sea? (A mussel!)