What happens when you report a dangerous dog?

What happens when you report a dangerous dog?

Dangerous Animals. An animal may be considered dangerous if it has attacked a person or another animal. If found dangerous, the animal may be impounded for further observation. Report ALL dangerous animal to your nearest animal shelter.

What do you do if you have a dangerous dog?

Serious incidents of dog attacks are rare. However, there are some things you should do if you are faced with dog who is going to attack: Try and fend off a dog rather than fight him or her. Holding something like a bag, briefcase or coat between you and the dog can help.

Can you report a dog for attacking a cat?

If you have seen a dog attack a person or animal, or been attacked by a dog yourself, irrespective of whether the attack happened on public or on private property, you should report it to your local council. Police officers are also authorised officers under the Companion Animals Act 1998.

Do vets have to report dog bites?

In many states, including California, New York, and North Carolina, any dog bite must be reported if any medical care (emergency or otherwise) is needed. Many states also require that doctors report dog bites. Unfortunately, that often doesn't happen in a timely manner so file a report yourself as soon as you can.