What happens to a grave after 100 years?

What happens to a grave after 100 years?

Legally, graves cannot be sold for more than 100 years. However, we write to owners every five years offering the opportunity to 'top-up' their lease. In this manner, the grave can stay in the family indefinitely, though ownership will never be issued beyond 75 years.

What is a grave without a body called?

Cenotaph – a grave where the body is not present; a memorial erected as over a grave, but at a place where the body has not been interred. A cenotaph may look exactly like any other grave in terms of marker and inscription.

How long do cemeteries keep graves?

When you buy a burial plot, often what you're actually doing is buying a Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial, which is the right to decide who is buried there for a set period of time (usually about 25–100 years).

Is the wife buried on the right or left of husband?

In the Bible, to be at the right side "is to be identified as being in the special place of honor". Wikipedia. Thus, the wife, buried to the right of the husband attains that very special place of honour.

What side is wife buried on?

Most cemeteries bury husbands on the south side of a burial plot, with their wives on the north.

How long before you can put a headstone on a grave?

While there is no one specific rule around how long you need to wait before you can put a headstone on a burial grave, as a guideline figure it is recommended that you wait for at least six months, if not longer.

Who owns a grave?

A gravestone or marker is the personal property of the person who places it near a grave and its ownership is passed to this person's heirs. Abandonment is the only way in which the use of land as a cemetery may cease.

Are headstones placed at the head or feet?

Traditionally the stone goes at the head but there is also a custom to bury a person so that if the just rose up to their feet, they would be facing east.

Can you change a gravestone?

Changing a gravestone can be a lengthy process, involving decisions from the lettering to the type of stone used. When changing a gravestone, you will have to remove the old one, have the new gravestone made, and place it on the deceased's grave site.

What is the average cost of a headstone?

The average cost of a standard flat headstone is around $1,000. But more detailed, upright headstones can cost between $1,000 and $3,000. Higher-quality individual headstones, as well as family and companion headstones, can cost as much as $10,000. The average price of a headstone, all told, is around $2,000.

Can you stop someone putting flowers on a grave?

You cannot stop her from placing flowers on a grave site. You may however prevent her from taking your property off the grave site. Speak to the cemetary officials and get their input.

What can you put on a headstone?

A short message referred to as an epitaph is usually added to a headstone along with a person's name, birth date, and death date. Typically, the goal of the epitaph is to leave some words of wisdom, share the most important values of the deceased, or summarize the person's life.

Why are some graves unmarked?

The underlying intention of some unmarked graves may be to suggest that the person buried is not worthy of commemoration, and should therefore be completely ignored and forgotten, e.g., Seung-Hui Cho and Adam Lanza. Unmarked graves have long been used to bury executed criminals as an added degree of disgrace.

What is a cremation headstone?

Cremation monuments and cremation headstones have compartments that hold one or more cremation urns for ashes. An urn can also be inserted into a headstone or monument niche that is carved into a granite headstone, monument, bench or natural boulder. These can be placed at a cemetery, at home, or in a park.