What happens if you suddenly stop taking antidepressants?

What happens if you suddenly stop taking antidepressants?

You get sick. Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, also called antidepressant withdrawal, occurs when a person abruptly stops taking antidepressant medication. Many people who experience antidepressant withdrawal feel like they have the flu or a stomach bug. They may also experience disturbing thoughts or images.

How long do antidepressant withdrawal symptoms last?

Withdrawal symptoms typically persist for up to three weeks. The symptoms gradually fade during this time. Most people who quit taking their antidepressants stop having symptoms after three weeks. There are many factors that affect how long withdrawal symptoms last.

How do I wean myself off antidepressants?

Response to dosage dictates best schedule to stop taking medication. Discontinuing an antidepressant usually involves reducing your dose in increments, allowing two to six weeks or longer between dose reductions. Your clinician can instruct you in tapering your dose and prescribe the appropriate dosage pills.

Why you should stop taking antidepressants?

The best reason to stop taking your antidepressant is because you feel better and you and your doctor believe that you will stay well after you stop taking it. But if you keep taking your medicine for at least 6 months after you feel better, you may lower the chance that you will have a relapse.