What happens if you pull a fire alarm?

What happens if you pull a fire alarm?

Pulling the fire alarm in the absence of a fire not only has the potential to put students and faculty in danger, but it also puts the perpetrator in the position of potentially being charged with a misdemeanor.

Is it a felony to pull the fire alarm?

A false fire alarm is a criminal offence. Anyone caught pulling a false alarm will be charged with public mischief and initiating a false fire alarm.

How long do you go to jail for pulling a fire alarm?

Conviction of a misdemeanor for false alarm is punishable by up to one year in county jail, fines of up to $1,000, or both. If someone suffers extensive bodily injury or dies because of a false alarm, the crime becomes a felony.

How do you pull a fire alarm?

If your area or building does not have a manual pull station…shout fire and evacuate the area. To activate a Fire Alarm, pull the handle on one of the red fire alarm boxes. In all cases of fire, call 911 immediately. Someone must report the fire.