What happens if you ppp pick up a penguin answer?
What happens if you ppp pick up a penguin answer?
Question 10 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks you “What happens if you p… p… p… pick up a penguin?”. The potential answers include “Nothing”, “It pecks your face off”, “It fills your stomach” and “Penguin poo”. Click it and you’ll be sent to the next question.
What is the answer to number 7 on impossible quiz 2?
The correct answer is “Mane”, because it’s homophone of the word “main”, which is a synonym for “principal”.
What are all the answers to the Impossible Quiz 2?
- Up his sleevies (armies = arms, sleevies = sleeves)
- Paint (green paint, because otherwise there wouldn’t be green to see)
- Earth (the rest of the options are actually candy bars)
- American (A merry can)
- Type what Frank tells you to do (either “arse”, “carrot”, or “udder”)
- 8 (“Sentence” has 8 letters)
What is the answer to the impossible quiz number 10?
The answer to this question, just like in the demo, is the denture, as the word “choose” sounds like “chews”, therefore making the task “Chews food”. Completing this question awards you with the very first Skip of the game.
What is the answer for number 9 on the impossible quiz?
The answer to potato 2 is the one on the bottom-left, which would be the bottom-left “That One”. However, it’s not saying “This One”, otherwise it would be correct. The top-right “That One” is instead the potato, because it’s pointing to the bottom-left box that held the potato to Question potato.
What is the answer to number 11 in the impossible quiz?
The answer in that case is actually “One”, since “letter” is an anagram of “settler”, which means the former appears only once within the latter word. It’s also very similar to the mobile version of Question 100 from The Impossible Quiz 2, where you were asked “How many letters in Mississippi?”.
What is the answer to level 16 on the impossible quiz?
Though “G” happens to be the seventh letter in alphabetic order, the answer is NOT “G”. The actual answer to this question is “H”, which is the 7th letter within the words “the alphabet”.
What is the answer for number 12 on the impossible quiz?
The answer is NOT the third circle from the left. Just like in the Demo, the smallest circle here is the dot that makes the lowercase “i” on the word “click” in the question. You won’t see it’s clickable until you put your cursor on it.
What is the answer to Question 4 on the impossible quiz?
Question 4 of the Impossible Quiz Book asks you “What do you call a female lemur?”. The possible answers are “Miss”, “Madam”, “A ballbag” and “A femur”. The correct one is “A femur”, since you can create that word by combining the words “female” and “lemur”.
What is the answer to number 20 in the impossible quiz?
The answer is “Seal!”, which is a better answer than “Deal!”, since in these cases what people do is to “seal the deal”. Answering this question correctly grants you the second Skip of the game.
How do you beat level 21 on the impossible quiz?
The only way for you to get the answer you’re looking for is to look at the question number. It’s a 21 with a dot right next to it. All you have to do then is to drag the dot into the small space between the 2 and the 1, thus creating “2.1”.
Does Germansweek exist?
There are seven possible answers within the signs: “Germansweek”, “Bitchfield”, “Arsefacey”, “Blubberhouses”, “Brown Willy”, “Budd’s Titson” and “Twatt”. All of these names belong to real places which you can find in the UK, except for “Arsefacey”, which is the correct answer.
How do you beat level 32 on the impossible quiz?
The answer is “Babycham and human faeces” because the “cham” in “Babycham” sounds like “sham”, and “faeces” is a synonym for “poo”. Put them together, and you’ve got the word “shampoo”.
What is the answer to Question 51 on the impossible quiz?
The Impossible Quiz Answers 51: Click fast on one of the characters – What you see here are the Spatulon and the Phlovomite. To win this game you have to click fast on one of them to get them to fight. However, the Spatulon will win, as being better, Spatulons always win.
What is the answer to level 33 on the impossible quiz?
Question 33 from The Impossible Quiz asks “How many letters in his hand?”, and next to it there’s a drawing of a cut-off hand holding nine letters. The choices are all four numbers from 7 to 10. The answer is “7” because the question is asking how many letters are in the words “His hand”.
What is the answer to level 31 on the impossible quiz?
The answer is then “Woof. Woof. Woof”. This is because during the “Badly Drawn Dawg” animations, whenever he barks, most of the time he barks three times.
How do you beat level 35 on the impossible quiz?
In order to move on, all you have to do is to wait until the message changes to “Alternatively… click this one to carry on.”. At the same time, the black button with the skull will change into a green button with a happy face.
How do you beat level 41 on the impossible quiz?
The correct answer to this question is “Afro”, because it’s the best part of the duck, according by Splapp (plus “Afro” is not the correct term to refer to the duck’s crest).
What is the secret of life 42?
The number 42 is, in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”, calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5 million years. Unfortunately, no one knows what the question is.
Why is the number 42 important?
The number 42 is especially significant to fans of science fiction novelist Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” because that number is the answer given by a supercomputer to “the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.”