What happens if you kill the astari in Godus?

What happens if you kill the astari in Godus?

After killing all of the population, the land will be yours to use and sculpt. If you kill off the Astari while their area is still surrounded by gray you can only affect what’s inside their circle and you can not send your people there until you build up all of the beacons between your land and Astariville.

How do you make astari followers?

You gain Astari followers by making sure your people are happier than the Astari during festivals. The Astari will then leave Astariville, swim to you, and become your Astari followers.

What happens when you build the ark in Godus?

This arc will take all the followers who worked on it to a new land, which is full of mysteries and adventures. The Ark will take a long time to build and take many resources; up to 300 followers will make the voyage. Don’t worry you will still be able to come to this homeworld anytime.

How do I get rid of blight in Godus?

To clear out the swamp, use the beautify god power. When using beautify, make sure you tap rather than drag, as it uses a lot of belief and you can get the same effect for a lot less belief by placing it in “dots”. On the android version, beautify is awarded when you have 30 farms.

How do you cheat on Godus?

Godus: Top 10 tips, hints, and cheats you need to play a better…

  1. Speed up time for instant belief and building completion.
  2. Boost your workers regularly.
  3. Don’t use leashing unless you need to.
  4. Follow the butterflies.
  5. Keep followers happy with the God Seed.
  6. Voyages are a quick way to rack up stickers.
  7. Start the voyage cycle over again immediately.
  8. Clear trees and rocks for bonus belief.

How do you unlock powers in Godus?

All god powers are unlocked by acquiring the God Card of the same name.

How do I unlock beautify in Godus?

Acquisition and unlocking Repair the Shrine of Power located in a clear patch within a swamp northwest of Temple of Battles to acquire the Beautify God Card. The card and power are both unlocked upon acquisition.

Is Godus a good game?

Godus is a charming mess that could have easily been amazing, but it’s still a mess. The decision to make the game free makes a lot of business sense – most games on the App Store are following the freemium model now. And done properly, it’s actually not a bad thing from a gamer’s perspective either.

How do I raise happiness in Godus?

Once you obtain the God Seed, make sure you put trees by your followers’ homes. You can also increase happiness by using the Rain of Purity once you obtain it. If you don’t keep your happiness up, your followers will abandon you for the Astari, so be sure you keep an eye on them.

What is purple land in Godus?

It’s holy land. You can only build temples on it, and they give you more belief than normal.

How do you unlock beautify in Godus?

How do you get farms in Godus?

To begin farming, after it is unlocked, clear plots near a settlement. Then release Farmers from the settlement, who will plant a field of crops upon reaching the plots. Farmers will only work during the day. They will carry harvested wheat back to the settlement, where it will be added to your supply.

Where are the treasure temples in Godus?

The Treasure Temple is buried under the first mountain, thus it can be hard to find. But there are 3 places that marks its location: Beacon of Expansion – On the same mountain, there is a beacon placed on top of the said mountain. The temple is buried southwest of it.

How do you make mines in Godus?

A miner will find a plot within the radius of the settlement and begin constructing a mine. from the mines once they are constructed. When the ore has been fully grown the mine a rock icon will appear above the mine; clicking on this will give you the ore, and the excavation of the mine will begin again.

How do I make plots in Godus?

Sculpting a flat surface creates a plot Plots are created automatically on clear, unobstructed land. When a plot is created, a number appears in the upper-lefthand corner corresponding to the size of abode that can be built on it.

How do I send farmers in Godus?

So what you do, is you go to the Settlement menu for each of your active farming Settlements, and make all your farmers unemployed by click & dragging them out of their homes to the town center. From there, you’re going to use FoG to knock down all the now workless fields, and get rid of the rocks.