What happened to Answers com?

What happened to Answers com?

In March 2017, Answers.com parent company, Answers Corp, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. As of May 3, 2018, Answers.com abandoned their wiki format, according to Chris Hawkins, Vice President, Business Operations.

What website gives you answers to homework?

Homework Help Websites for High School: Get Motivated!

  • Answers – The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life’s Questions and Quora.
  • Khan Academy.
  • Discovery Education.
  • Paul’s Online Math Notes.
  • King County Library System Research and Homework.
  • Cramster.
  • CampusBug.

Where can I get answers for my questions?

13 Best Sites to Get Your Questions Answered!

  • Answerbag. Break away from the pack.
  • Yahoo! Answers. Probably the most popular community Q&A powered site with millions of users and thousands of questions asked and answered every day.
  • Blurt it. This is another site where you can ask questions and answer them without registration.
  • WikiAnswers.
  • FunAdvice.
  • Askville.
  • Friendfeed.

What is the best question and answer website?

13 Best Sites to Get Your Questions Answered!

  • Answerbag. You can find answers to various questions from different categories on Answerbag You may ask questions on any topic but will need to register to do so.
  • Yahoo! Answers.
  • Blurt it.
  • WikiAnswers.
  • FunAdvice.
  • Askville.
  • Friendfeed.

Where can I ask for advice?

The 8 Best Sites to Get Good Free Advice Online

  1. 7 Cups. 7 Cups is an online advice site that aims to connects people who need to talk with caring listeners.
  2. Elder Wisdom Circle. Another great place to get free advice online is Elder Wisdom Circle.
  3. FreeAdvice.
  4. r/advice.
  5. Ask a Manager.
  6. Fun Advice.
  7. TheAnswerBank.
  8. Hey, From the Future.

How do I get advice?

Stop asking, ‘Can I pick your brain? ‘ Harvard researchers say this is how successful people ask for advice

  1. Start with a positive tone.
  2. Identify the type of advice you’re seeking.
  3. Come prepared with specific details.
  4. Ask the right person.
  5. Don’t ask everyone.
  6. Don’t assume you already know the answers.
  7. Be grateful.

What is the best advice for life?

When you hear good advice, you should always do two things: Take it in and pass it on.

  1. Take time to know yourself.
  2. A narrow focus brings big results.
  3. Show up fully.
  4. Don’t make assumptions.
  5. Be patient and persistent.
  6. In order to get, you have to give.
  7. Luck comes from hard work.
  8. Be your best at all times.

How do you ask for something you really want?

Follow These 9 Steps to Ask for What You Want (and Actually Get…

  1. Act as if you expect to get it. You need a solid level of certainty and expectation when you ask for something you want.
  2. Ask someone who can give it to you.
  3. Get the other person’s full attention.
  4. Be clear and specific.
  5. Ask from the heart.
  6. Ask with humor and creativity.
  7. Give something to get something.
  8. Ask repeatedly.

What to Say to Get What You Want?

  • 5 Remarkably Powerful Phrases That Will Help You Get What You Want. Sometimes the wording you choose makes all the difference.
  • What I heard you say is …
  • Help me understand …
  • Would you be open to the possibility …
  • My request is …
  • I’m not sure, but let me get back to you in …

Why can’t I ask for what I want?

Afraid of rejection. Too much effort. Don’t know what we want. Fear of being selfish, demanding, or needy.

How do I get what I want all the time?

Follow this simple system to start making it happen for you.

  1. Know what you want.
  2. Banish fear and negativity.
  3. Understand whom you’re asking.
  4. Make sure you know what’s being offered.
  5. Start with small wins.
  6. Finally, bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than anything else.

Do we always get what we want?

When we do, we can find a new us on the other side that is wiser and more beautiful than we ever imagined. By working through these difficult changes in life, we grow into something new, better, stronger. To paraphrase what the Rolling Stones said: You can’t always get what you want. But you get what you need.

Does the universe give us what we want?

The universe always provides and does not ignore your wishes. However, it doesn’t always happen when you want it to happen. I have received things anywhere from a week later to years later, but I always get what I want. If you look to the things you want in your life you will see that you too get everything you want.

How do you get what you want from someone?

  1. 29 Ways to Get What You Want From Others. Larry Kim.
  2. Make It Their Idea. People are much more inclined to push for their own idea rather than someone else’s.
  3. Ask For Favors.
  4. Shoot For The Moon, Land On The Stars.
  5. Stop The Self-Sabotage.
  6. Sincere Appreciation.
  7. Questions Over Orders.
  8. Lay On The Praise Thick.

What is a good secret?

A good secret is a nice surprise It is something that would make a. person happy. A good secret could be a surprise trip out, a birthday party or a present.

How do you make people need you?

10 Simple Ways to Make People Like You More

  1. Ask questions. I’ve noticed people who ask questions are often well-liked.
  2. Talk more, not less. A friend of mine is a small business owner and he is extremely well liked.
  3. Give your time…gratis.
  4. Listen better.
  5. Really and truly care.
  6. Admit it, you don’t know everything.
  7. Go for the laugh, every time.
  8. Lighten up.

How can I be around people?

  1. Stay As Positive As Possible.
  2. Truly Listen When Someone Is Talking.
  3. Take A Genuine Interest In Others.
  4. Be Everyone’s Cheerleader.
  5. Set Up Some Boundaries.
  6. Offer Up Lots Of Compliments.
  7. Work On Accepting Yourself.
  8. Have Some Empathy.

How do you get what you want in psychology?

10 Powerful Psychology Tricks to Get What You Want

  1. Sensationalism and urgency.
  2. Mixing facts and opinions.
  3. Stereotype activation.
  4. Don’t think. Believe!
  5. Door-in-the-face technique.
  6. Nontrivial vocabulary.
  7. Fragmentation method.
  8. Prior agreement.

How do I get what I want on my phone?

7 Ways to Get What You Want on Customer Service Calls

  1. Collect yourself. Before you ever pick up the phone, take a moment to clarify what the problem is and what you want to get from the call.
  2. Be nice (or fake it)
  3. Bottom-line it.
  4. Suggest a solution.
  5. Demonstrate your value as a customer.
  6. Don’t hyperventilate.
  7. Quickly recap and document.

Can I ask God for a sign?

If a Christian begins to have feelings for a non-believer, they do not need to ask God for a sign whether that person is good for them or not. In Exodus 3:12 (NIV) the sign of God even comes after obeying.

How can I attract love?

Healthy, loving people attract other healthy, loving people and create loving, healthy relationships….

  1. Learn to accept, value and love yourself and define your own worth, rather than waiting for someone else to love you and give you a sense of worth.
  2. Learn to connect with your inner resource of love, wisdom and strength.

How do you attract the person you love?

How to Attract a Specific Person – Using the Law of Attraction for Love

  1. Manifesting a relationship with someone is easier than you might think.
  2. Be confident in yourself.
  3. Focus on the positive.
  4. Love without fear of getting hurt.
  5. Have fun.
  6. See the positive.
  7. Appreciate the contrast.
  8. Be willing to let the other person go.

What attracts people to each other?

Good looks, ambition, and a good sense of humor are common qualities that people seek out. But there are other factors you’re likely unaware of that play an important part in who you’re attracted to. Past experiences, proximity, and biology all have a role in determining who catches our attention and who doesn’t.

How do you ask the universe for love?

The following process will help you to ask the universe for all that you want with love, ease, and confidence.

  1. Get your energy right.
  2. Overcome blocks to manifestation.
  3. Get clear about your intentions.
  4. Ask the universe.
  5. Feel your desires.
  6. Let go.
  7. Gratitude.

How do you know when love is coming?

A clear signal that love is coming your way is if you’ve recently found your life’s purpose. People who have discovered what they are meant to do have a higher chance at meeting their soulmate. Without a purpose or something to be passionate about, humans end up feeling uninspired, hollow, or lost.

How do I manifest my lover?

How To Manifest the Love of Your Life

  1. Step 1: Identify the Feeling. The real key to manifesting the love of your life (or anything really) is to focus on the feeling.
  2. Step 2: Capture the Feeling. Let’s say you want to manifest a boyfriend.
  3. Step 3: Practice the Feeling. The last step is to practice the feeling until it becomes your new reality.

What happened to Answers com?

What happened to Answers com?

In March 2017, Answers.com parent company, Answers Corp, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. As of May 3, 2018, Answers.com abandoned their wiki format, according to Chris Hawkins, Vice President, Business Operations.

Where can I ask questions and get answers?

Herein find some best sites where you can ask questions and get answers from real people online.

  • Answerbag.
  • Yahoo! Answers.
  • Blurt it.
  • WikiAnswers.
  • FunAdvice.
  • Askville.
  • Friendfeed.

What can I use instead of Yahoo Answers?

12 Alternatives to Yahoo! Answers

  • Quora.
  • Reddit.
  • The Answer Bank.
  • Answers.
  • WikiHow.
  • Ask Me Help Desk.
  • BlurtIt.
  • Fluther.

How do I ask Google a question?

In Google Search

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Google.
  2. Search for a place or city.
  3. Scroll down to the “Questions & answers” section.
  4. To ask a new question, tap Ask the community.

Is Yahoo really shutting down?

The site will no longer accept new questions beginning on April 20, and the platform will completely cease operations on May 4. While some users appeared earnest, Yahoo Answers became known throughout its run for absurd and hilarious questions: A screenshot of a question on Yahoo Answers.

Why is Quora better than Yahoo Answers?

According to quora: Request Answers is a way to connect people with questions to people who can answer them. At the same time, Yahoo answers has no such social element. Quality and Quantity: Quora managed to get both quality AND quantity. Yahoo Answers failed in the quality stakes.

What is the most ask question on Google?

1000 Most asked questions on google

Rank Most Asked Questions On Google Global Monthly Search
1 what is my ip 3,350,000
2 what time is it 1,830,000
3 how to register to vote 1,220,000
4 how to tie a tie 673,000

What is the most googled question ever?

What is the hardest question that Google can’t answer?

It’s all about who you know and clearly you don’t know the right people. You must be stupid, or at least inadequate, otherwise you would have figured this out by now….

  • What is going really well right now?
  • What do I want less of?
  • What do I want more of?
  • What can I let go of?
  • What makes my heart sing?

Is Yahoo Mail shutting down 2020?

The ‘full’ shutdown of Yahoo Groups will take place on 15 December 2020. What does the shutdown mean for users? After 15 December, users will no longer be able to send and receive emails from Yahoo Groups. The website will also no longer be accessible.

What is the importance of answers?

Answering and asking questions is an important part of learning. We ask questions in order to learn more information about something, and we answer questions to provide more information.

What is the most searched question on Google ever?

Why is it important to be clear with responses or questions?

The question posed for review is very important in getting a quality answer that addresses exactly what you need. Unclear and unspecific questions can be interpreted in many ways. Having our clients ask clear questions helps ensure they receive the clear, specific answer they need. …

Why is the Why so important?

Your why serves as a compass; it gives you reason and purpose and forces you to make choices from your intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, a clear why statement attracts people who believe what you believe, and let that be one of the more vital points when starting a business or project.

Why do we need information?

You need information because it empowers you! Information allows: intellectual development which leads to academic credibility. the development of subject knowledge leading to an ability to discuss your subject with authority.

Who is the most googled person 2020?

Joe Biden
The most Googled person in the U.S. in 2020 was President-elect Joe Biden, followed by North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Tom Hanks, who was one of the most prominent figures to contract COVID-19 early on, topped the list as the most searched actor.

What was googled the most in 2020?

“Coronavirus” and “election results” were the top two global searches overall and the top two news searches of 2020, and President-elect Joe Biden was the most-searched person. Searches for “stimulus check” and “unemployment” also made the top 10 news topics as millions of Americans have lost their jobs.

How do you respond to what’s good?

10 ways to respond to “what’s good?” when a friend or family member says it

  1. 01“Nothing much, how about you?”
  2. 02“Oh, nothing special!
  3. 03“Just counting the hours til the weekend!”
  4. 04“Why?
  5. 05“Living the dream!”
  6. 06“Not me, it’s been a tough week.”
  7. 07“What’s happening?”
  8. 08“I’m hanging in there.”

Is it good to have values in life why?

Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience. The decisions we make are a reflection of our values and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific purpose.

Why do we need examples?

Examples make statements clearer, give readers more information, and decrease the chances that the fact or idea to be wrongly applied to real-life situations. Examples are most successful when integrated into the text: Warm paint colors, like red or pink, can have a stimulating effect on a room’s inhabitants.

Do we need information?

Why information is important in our daily life?

Answer: Information is important in everyone’s lives because without information, we would not be able to develop our knowledge on the world. People use tools and sources such as books, the internet, spoken word communication with others, the world around us to find information and more.