What goes well with butternut squash bisque?

What goes well with butternut squash bisque?

Butternut Squash Soup Toppings. Butternut squash makes for a thick and creamy soup, so you'll want to add some texture to that. Crunchy toppings such as pumpkin seeds, crackers, croutons, apples, pears, and pecans all add a different dimension to the velvety soup. Another excellent topping: bacon.

How do I spice up bland butternut squash soup?

Add in curry powder or garam masala, cumin and coriander, simmer until tasty. If you make butternut squash soup yourself from scratch, you can roast the cubed squash first with garlic and sage or rosemary for a truly delicious experience.

How do you make butternut squash soup from scratch?

Melt the butter in a large pot, and cook the onion, celery, carrot, potatoes, and squash 5 minutes, or until lightly browned. Pour in enough of the chicken stock to cover vegetables. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover pot, and simmer 40 minutes, or until all vegetables are tender.

What flavors pair well with butternut squash?

Butternut squash goes with sweet — think cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg; or savory, think thyme, sage and oregano — flavors and may be used in a variety of dishes. Technically a fruit, this hard-skinned winter squash turns up in ravioli, soups and even pie.