What fruit does not have the letter I in it?

What fruit does not have the letter I in it?

Among all vowels A and I are oft used sounds which cannot be overlooked , however , some of the words signifying fruits have neither A nor I : Plum , Cherry , Blueberry et al.

Is there a fruit or vegetable that starts with I?

Originally Answered: What is the fruits and vegetables that start with I? Fruits: Ice Cream Bean, Ilama, Illawarra Plum, Imbe fruit, Indian almond, Indian Fig, Indian Gooseberry, Indian jujube, Indian Prune, Ita Palm, Indian jujube, Indian prune, Indian strawberry.

What is a fruit that starts with the letter L?

List of Fruits – Name of Fruits L: Lakoocha, Langsat, Lemon, Leucaena, Lillypilly, Lime, Limeberry, Limequat, Lingonberry, Little Gooseberry, Loganberry, Longan, Loquat, Lucuma, Lychee.

Is there a fruit that starts with the letter J?

One such ā€œJā€ fruit is the Jackfruit, Artocarpus heterophyllus. One such ā€œJā€ fruit is the Jackfruit, Artocarpus heterophyllus.