What fits under the umbrella riddle?

What fits under the umbrella riddle?

If you say say ummmmmm… then say anything else, it can go under the umbrella. If you just say the item name, it cannot. Think of the name ummmmmmbrella. Cosmic Number There is a cosmic number and it is four.

What has many teeth but can’t bite?

What has teeth but can’t bite? A comb. Other inanimate objects with teeth like a saw, zipper or a gear can “bite” you.

What animal has 9 hearts?


Which animal has no brain and heart?


Which animal has 32 brains?


Which animal blood is black?


What animal has purple blood?

Purple blood can be found in many marine invertebrates due to the oxygen-transport protein hemerythrin, which turns bright purple when oxygenated. Sea squirts have yellow blood due to the aggregation of vanadium-collecting proteins called vanabins found in their blood.

Which animal blood is white?

Answer. Insects have clear or whitish blood, more properly called hemolymph. It carries nutrients and wastes, and circulates non-specific immune cells, but has no red blood cells and very little to do with gas exchange. Some insects like beetles and cockroaches have yellowish or white like colorless blood.

What color is shark blood?

crimson blood

What Colour is snake blood?


What Colour is octopus blood?


Do snakes have blood?

Almost all snakes are covered in scales and as reptiles, they’re cold blooded and must regulate their body temperature externally. There have been several species of snakes discovered that are mostly scaleless, but even those have scales on their bellies.

Which animals blood is blue?

blue Horseshoe crab, octopus, lobster, spider Hemocyanin contains copper that binds to oxygen, making the blood appear blue.

Do crabs have blood?

But they don’t have veins. Their blood kind of sloshes around in their bodies carrying oxygen to various organs, as our blood does. Our blood is red because we use hemoglobin to move oxygen around. Horseshoe crabs use a copper-based molecule called hemocyanin to distribute oxygen.

Is human blood blue?

Your blood is actually red. The blue hue of your veins has more to do with how your eyes absorb and see color than the color of the blood itself. The level of oxygen in your blood cells determines the brightness of the red color. Blood pumped directly from the heart is oxygen rich and bright red.

What Colour is fish blood?

The blue-green blood plasma of marine fish.

Do fishes fart?

Most fish do use air to inflate and deflate their bladder to maintain buoyancy which is expelled either through their mouth or gills which can be mistaken for a fart. Point being – No farts.

Do fishes cry?

“Since fishes lack the parts of the brain that set us apart from the fishes — the cerebral cortex — I doubt very much that fishes engage in anything like crying,” Webster told LiveScience. “And certainly they produce no tears, since their eyes are constantly bathed in a watery medium.”

Do fish have feelings?

Animal Magnetism Because fishes lack faces like ours, we assume that their mask-like features mean they do not experience feelings. And because fish cannot cry out, we interpret their silence as meaning they do not perceive pain—even as their gasping mouths and flopping fins on a ship’s deck indicate otherwise.