What episode does Natsu die?

What episode does Natsu die?

Episode 265 | Fairy Tail Wiki | Fandom.

Is lisanna in love with Natsu?

Lisanna has shown to have a great amount of trust in Natsu because she believes that when he sets his mind on something he will accomplish it. Although in the recent arcs after Edolas, there wasn’t much of Natsu and Lisanna’s deepening of their relationship, it is shown that they both still care for one another.

Does Natsu have a crush Lucy?

“I had imagined a triangular relationship between Natsu, Lisanna, and Lucy. Fairy Tail left off on a cliffhanger as Natsu took his team on a fabled mission, and he did so without ever confessing. For a moment, the last chapter set up Natsu to admit his love for Lucy, but the tender moment never panned out.

Why is mirajane so weak?

She’s not weak, all of her fights have just been against her favour and she’s been through several years of complete inactivity. Against Azuma, she was worn out and barely able to sustain Satan Soul due to magical fatigue, and was under heavy pressure because of Lisanna being trapped.

Does Erza have a crush Natsu?

Natsu’s affection towards Erza was enough for him to disguise himself as an armored Mage to prevent her from going to prison due to the great amount of damages she caused during her missions. When they are put in cell for only one day as a result, Erza admits she was kind of happy that Natsu came to help her.

Who does Erza end up with?

Technically Erza and Jellal do NOT end up together though in the anime, they do tend to get close with each other. For example in one of the episodes Jellal and Erza were very close to kissing, but right before it could happen; Jellal pushed Erza away.

Who is Erza’s crush?

During this time, Jellal gave Erza her last name: Scarlet, after the color of her hair. Jellal cared deeply for her, to the point of changing places with her when she was about to admit to a crime that she didn’t commit. Jellal (in present time) confessed his love for Erza when she was pushed into the lacrima by him.

Can happy transform like Carla?

It’s not really a surprise that Happy winds up in battle a lot. He’s a member of Fairy Tail, and pretty much all they do is end up in fights. But Carla learns proper magic, Pantherlily can transform into a giant muscular form, and Happy serves as Natsu’s aerial mode.

Who does Natsu end up with?


Does gray fall in love with Juvia?

8 They Are Canon Thankfully, by the end of the series, the confirmation came for the pair, Gray finally admitting his true feelings to Juvia, saying that she was his. Given how much Juvia had been by his side, it was about time that he manned up and admitted her liked her too.