What element has the electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2?

What element has the electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2?

element Silicon

Which energy level has the greatest energy?

What Are Energy Levels?

  • Energy levels (also called electron shells) are fixed distances from the nucleus of an atom where electrons may be found.
  • Q: In the atomic model Figure above, where would you find electrons that have the most energy?
  • A: Electrons with the most energy would be found in energy level IV.

Which Shell has the highest energy level?

valance shell

Which Shell has least energy?

K shell

Which Shell has higher energy K or L?

L shell has higher energy because according to Bohr’s theory the shell which is closer to nucleus has lower energy and the shell which is away from the nucleus has higher energy. K is closer to nucleus. So it has lower energy than L-shell.

What is the number of energy levels in RB?

Number of Energy Levels: 5
Second Energy Level: 8
Third Energy Level: 18
Fourth Energy Level 16
Fifth Energy Level 1

How many energy levels are in cesium?

Number of Energy Levels: 6
Third Energy Level: 18
Fourth Energy Level: 18
Fifth Energy Level: 8
Sixth Energy Level: 1

What is the atomic radius of RB?

290 pm

How many electron shells are in RB?

Data Zone

Classification: Rubidium is an alkali metal
Protons: 37
Neutrons in most abundant isotope: 48
Electron shells: 2,8,18,8,1
Electron configuration: [Kr] 5s1

What is the electron configuration for RB 1?

18.8. 1. The ground state electron configuration of ground state gaseous neutral rubidium is [Kr]. 5s1 and the term symbol is 2S1/2.

What color is cesium?

Cesium is a rare, silver-white, shiny metal with brilliant blue spectral lines; the element’s name comes from “caesius,” a Latin word meaning “sky blue.” It is the softest metal, with a consistency of wax at room temperature.

Where is cesium used?

The most common use for caesium compounds is as a drilling fluid. They are also used to make special optical glass, as a catalyst promoter, in vacuum tubes and in radiation monitoring equipment. One of its most important uses is in the ‘caesium clock’ (atomic clock).

Is cesium used in bombs?

The most likely radioactive element in a dirty bomb is cesium-137, according to Phil Anderson, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Cesium-137 is used to treat cancer and to maintain accurate atomic clocks.

Is dirty bomb Still Alive 2020?

At the start of this year, we announced that dedicated servers for Dirty Bomb would be running in active regions until the end of 2019 and that we would be exploring future options at the tail end of the year. Before we get into anything else: Dirty Bomb is remaining online .

Can you touch cesium?

Because of this high reactivity, caesium metal is classified as a hazardous material. It is stored and shipped in dry, saturated hydrocarbons such as mineral oil. It can be handled only under inert gas, such as argon.

Can cesium be weaponized?

The potential danger is long-lasting: Cesium can keep emitting radiation for nearly 300 years. ‘The amount of cesium in one of these irradiators is enough to contaminate and create widespread panic over an extremely large area if dispersed by a terrorist. ‘

What makes a dirty bomb dirty?

A dirty bomb works completely differently and cannot create an atomic blast. Instead, a dirty bomb uses dynamite or other explosives to scatter radioactive dust, smoke, or other material in order to cause radioactive contamination.

Can cesium kill you?

External exposure to large amounts of Cs-137 can cause burns, acute radiation sickness, and even death. Exposure to Cs-137 can increase the risk for cancer because of exposure to high-energy gamma radiation.

Why are security experts concerned about dirty bombs?

They are easier to build than nuclear weapons. They are more powerful than nuclear weapons. They can be sent in letters through the mail.