What does Xenolalia mean?

What does Xenolalia mean?

xenolalia. Noun. (uncountable) The ability to speak in a language which the individual has not learned. It is similar to, but not the same as, xenography.

What does it mean when you dream in a different language?

Maybe dreaming in another language is an expression of our desire for linguistic and cultural 'insiderness', tapping into the sense of belonging that a new language can bring. Whether you consider it a linguistic milestone or not, it definitely indicates a strong awareness of and engagement with new language.

Is it possible to not know any language?

Yes. But that doesn't mean they couldn't speak or understand at least one language in the past. There's a family of related conditions referred to as “aphasia,” in which people may suddenly or gradually start losing the ability to recall words and/or fully understand what others are saying.

Can you speak another language after brain surgery?

The reality is, researchers still aren't entirely sure, but the new-found language abilities seem to be caused by the brain rewiring itself following traumatic injury, and are most likely an offshoot of the well-documented but rare condition called Foreign Accent Syndrome.