What does with sniffles predominating mean?

What does with sniffles predominating mean?

The quote means that life has its ups and downs, “sobs” being the times when we face trials and “sniffles” when we face the more trivial matters that affect us, but not enough to utter a sob, and “smiles” which are the happy times in life when we enjoy what we’re doing and who we’re with.

Had King Solomon been the janitor with all his treasures piled up in the basement Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed just to see him pluck at his beard from envy?

What does this statement mean? “Had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.” It means that Jim’s watch is equal to King Solomon’s jewels.

Why was Della crying at the beginning of the story?

At the beginning of the story Della was moping and crying because she only had ONE DOLLAR AND EIGHTY-TWO CENTS to use to buy her husband Jim a gift for Christmas, and it was Christmas Eve meaning she had very little time to think of something.

What is the theme of The Gift of the Magi?

Love: Love is the central theme in The Gift of Magi. Living in abject poverty, Jim and Della sell their most prized possessions in order to afford Christmas gifts for one another. Their actions demonstrate their willingness to sacrifice material goods for their love.

What is Jim’s reaction to Della’s hair?

Della believes that Jim’s reaction means that he does not like her hair cut, he does not think she is beautiful anymore, and he will no longer love her. In reality, he was just surprised because it made his present for her worthless.

Why does Jim ashamed look at his watch?

With the fob chain on his watch, Jim could check the time in anyone’s company. Grand as the watch was, sometimes Jim checked it secretly because he was ashamed of the old leather strap that he used in the place of a chain.

Why is Jim so shocked about Della’s lack of hair?

Explanation: In “The Gift of the Magi,” Jim is shocked to learn that Della has decided to cut her hair. This is because he had just bought her a set of combs that he thought were perfect for her long hair.

What is ironic about Jim’s gift to Della?

How is Jim’s gift to Della ironic? Della gave up her prized possession, her long hair, to buy a fob chain for Jim’s watch. Jim gave up his prized possession, his gold watch, to buy combs for Della’s hair.

What is Jim’s most prized possession?

What is JIm’s most prized possession? Jim’s most prized possession is the watch he got from his father which came from his grandfather. Della is young and the mistress of the small flat.

What was Jim’s treasured possession?

gold watch

Why Jim and Della are called the Magi?

Jim and Della are called magi in “The Gift of the Magi” because they each show wisdom. Magi is the plural of magus, meaning a wise man. And it was the three magi, or wise men, who brought gifts to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem.

What is Jim’s full name?

Jimothy “Jim” Halpert is a fictional character in the U.S. version of the television sitcom The Office, portrayed by John Krasinski.

What did Jim sacrifice and why?

Jim and Della are husband and wife and they love each other. Jim’s watch was given to him by his father and has been in his family for many years. Still, he sacrifices it out of love for Della. Della and Jim both feel that it is important to give nice gifts to each other to express their love.

Why is it so important to Della to buy Jim a present?

Della buys Jim a watch fob because his watch is his most prized possession. One was Jim’s gold watch that had been his father’s and his grandfather’s. The other was Della’s hair. Della is still willing to sell her hair so she can buy Jim a really nice gift to show him how much she loves him.

How much were they so in love with each other magi?

2. How much were they attached to each other in the story? They were deeply attached to each other in the story. They had great love and respect for each other.

Who made the biggest sacrifice in the gift of the Magi?

In “The Gift of the Magi,” Jim and Della sacrifice their treasured possessions to enhance the treasure of the other.

Why is Della’s hair extremely valuable?

Della’s hair is extremely valuable. Della’s hair grew awfully fast. Had the queen lived next door, Della would have hung her hair out the window to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty’s jewels and gifts.

Does della perceive the loss of her hair as a sacrifice is she affected by it how can you tell?

Della does not perceive the loss of her hair as a sacrifice.

Do you agree that love and sacrifice is the theme of the story why?

When they revealed their gifts for each other they could not help but cry because both of them realized that they are so in love that they are ready to sacrifice everything they had for the happiness of their better halves. That’s why love and sacrifice is the main theme of the story.

How does the theme of sacrifice and love develop in this text?

Henry, sacrificial love is the main theme, and the author develops it masterfully. First, he introduces the couple Jim and Della Young. He makes it clear that they are very poor and that they have to scrape for every penny. However, the author also makes it clear that Jim and Della love each other very much.

What does the Gift of Magi teach us about love?

The Gift of the Magi” teaches the meaning of true love: Della and Jim love each other more than they love themselves, for they are willing to sacrifice the object of which they are proudest her hair and his watch in order to buy something which they hope will please the other.

How does the theme of sacrifice and love develop in the gift of the Magi?

Love. Della Young and Jim Young’s deep love for each other is the central theme of “The Gift of the Magi.” It makes them willing to sacrifice their most prized possessions in order to buy a Christmas gift for the other person. Both show they value their relationship more than material things.

What is the symbolism of the gift of the Magi?

Gold, a metal, is a symbol of earthly kingship; frankincense, an incense, is a symbol of godliness; and myrrh, an embalming oil, is a symbol of death. Thus the gifts were given in recognition of Jesus’s importance within the Christian story. In “The Gift of the Magi,” the magi symbolize wisdom.

Is sacrifice a theme in literature?

Sacrifice is perhaps one of the most common themes in literature. Almost every book has an example of how a character sacrifices for the benefit of his/her side of the conflict.

What point of view is the Gift of the Magi?

Throughout “The Gift of the Magi” the narrator uses words like they, he, and her, which are key words in deciding that a story is written in third person. We can further narrow down the point of view to being third person limited. This is because the narrator follows Della throughout the story and not Jim.