What does Twatwaffle mean?

What does Twatwaffle mean?

twatwaffle (plural twatwaffles) (slang, derogatory) A contemptible person.

What does Thudder mean?

thud is the dictionary form of thudder Definition of thud. 1. [ noun ] a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)

What means lightning?

1 : the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity also : the discharge itself. 2 : a sudden stroke of fortune candidates … hoping for real lightning to strike — Time.

What is Sound of Thunder called?

Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Depending on the distance from and nature of the lightning, it can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble (brontide). In turn, this expansion of air creates a sonic shock wave, often referred to as a “thunderclap” or “peal of thunder”.

What is faster lightning or light?

lightning has a slower speed than the speed of light, but lightning has a more destructive force than light.

What is faster sound or light?

The speed of light as it travels through air and space is much faster than that of sound; it travels at 300 million meters per second or 273,400 miles per hour. Visible light can also travel through other things besides through air and through space.

Which is faster heat or cold?

Answer : Definitely Hot is faster. Reason : You can catch cold but you dont catch hot.

Is light the fastest thing in the universe?

In a vacuum, light travels at a mind-bending 300,000 kilometres per second. That’s not just very fast, it’s as fast as it is physically possible for anything to move. The insight that light speed is a fundamental limit on motion is one of the keys to Einstein’s theories of relativity, but why is it so?

What is the 2 fastest thing in the world?

List of animals by speed

Rank Animal Maximum speed
1 Peregrine falcon 389 km/h (242 mph) 108 m/s (354 ft/s)
2 Golden eagle 240–320 km/h (150–200 mph) 67–89 m/s (220–293 ft/s)
3 White-throated needletail swift 169 km/h (105 mph)
4 Eurasian hobby 160 km/h (100 mph)

Is a black hole faster than light?

Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have seen that the famous giant black hole in Messier 87 is propelling particles at speeds greater than 99% of the speed of light.

Can a black hole die?

It’s not much since a typical black hole will emit only one particle every year, but it’s not nothing. A good size black hole — say, a few times more massive than the sun — will take about 10^100 years to eventually evaporate through this process, known as Hawking Radiation.

What is inside a black hole?

What is at the center of a black hole? At the center of a black hole, it is often postulated there is something called a gravitational singularity, or singularity. This is where gravity and density are infinite and space-time extends into infinity.

How many black holes are in the Milky Way?

ten million

Can black hole destroy Earth?

Additional safety arguments beyond those based on Hawking radiation were given in the paper, which showed that in hypothetical scenarios with stable black holes that could damage Earth, such black holes would have been produced by cosmic rays and would have already destroyed known astronomical objects such as the Earth …

Can we see black hole from Earth?

You can ‘see’ the closest known black hole to Earth with the naked eye. There is a black hole in our backyard. Astronomers have found the closest black hole yet at just 1000 light years from Earth, close enough to see the stars that orbit it without a telescope.

What are the 4 types of black holes?

There are four types of black holes: stellar, intermediate, supermassive, and miniature. The most commonly known way a black hole forms is by stellar death.

Which black hole is nearest to Earth?

Sagittarius A

Where do things go in a black hole?

It is thought that the matter that goes into a black hole gets crushed into a tiny point at the center called a “singularity”. That’s the only place that matter is, so if you were to fall into a black hole you wouldn’t hit a surface as you would with a normal star. Once it’s there, it’s there.

Why does time stop in a black hole?

Near a black hole, the slowing of time is extreme. From the viewpoint of an observer outside the black hole, time stops. Inside the black hole, the flow of time itself draws falling objects into the center of the black hole. No force in the universe can stop this fall, any more than we can stop the flow of time.

What causes a black hole?

Conventional black holes are formed by gravitational collapse of heavy objects such as stars, but they can also in theory be formed by other processes.