What does Touche mean?

What does Touche mean?

used to acknowledge a

How do you respond when someone says your the best?

A few common responses to compliments are “you’re welcome”, “no problem”, “my pleasure” or “glad I could help”. The best of all is ” My Pleasure”. because it suggests that you accepted the opportunity and tried your best to help and solve the issue and gave the best solution that really worked for the person.

What is reply of all the best?

Said as a good wish: Say “ Thanks,” “Thanks a lot,” “I really need it,” “I am glad you said that.” Said as a challenge: Say “to you too,” “wait and watch,” “no thanks,” “I don’t need it,” or “You need it more.” Hope that helps.

How do you respond to being called beautiful?

A genuine, humble “Thank you” will suffice. And punctuate that with a kind smile. Don’t be arrogant about it. I’ve seen people being called beautiful and say thank you, and like smirk or wink or roll eyes, seemingly proud of themselves.

What to say if a girl calls you cute?

If you are interested in pursuing things further, offer a big smile and compliment their appearance (“I think you’re really cute too!”) as well as aspects of their personality that genuinely reflect your views. Don’t stare or prolong the encounter. Ask them if they’d like to do something with you sometime.

Can u call a girl handsome?

Answer. Yes, you can use the adjective handsome for women. While handsome is more often used for men, women can also be called handsome. When a woman is described as handsome, it suggests that she is very good-looking, and also healthy and strong.

What is the meaning of the hot?

: having a high temperature. : having a feeling of high body heat. of food or drink : heated to a hot or warm temperature : served at a hot or warm temperature.

What is a hot girl?

A hot girl or guy is a woman or man who is considered very sexually attractive.

How do you spell hottest?

How Do You Spell HOTTEST? Correct spelling for the English word “hottest” is [hˈɒtəst], [hˈɒtəst], [h_ˈɒ_t_ə_s_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).