What does the word considerate?

What does the word considerate?

adjective. showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc.: a very considerate critic. carefully considered; deliberate. marked by consideration or reflection; deliberate; prudent.

What is the root word of considerate?

1570s, "marked by deliberation," from Latin consideratus, past participle of considerare "to look at closely, observe" (see consider). Of persons, "deliberate, prudent, given to consideration" 1580s; meaning "not unfeeling or rigorous, showing consideration for the circumstances or feelings of others" is from c. 1700.

What is a synonym and antonym for considerate?

considerate. Antonyms: thoughtless, inconsiderate, inattentive, rude, overbearing, selfish, injudicious, rash, careless. Synonyms: thoughtful, attentive, forbearing, unselfish, judicious, serious, prudent, circumspect, reflective, careful, cautious.