What does the oo sound make?

What does the oo sound make?

It makes two sounds: The OH diphthong plus the AH vowel, like in ‘cooperation’ or ‘zoology’. There are also four vowels that can be made with the double O: Food, foot, floor, flood. For these four, let’s go over more words for each category.

What are some AU words?

Study the word list: au words

sauce I had pasta and tomato sauce for supper.
gaunt She ate so little, she began to look gaunt.
haunt A ghost wanted to haunt the house.
jaunt Let’s go on a jaunt to the beach.
launch A space probe was launched yesterday.

How do you teach AU sound?

Use au at the beginning or in the middle of a word for the “ô” sound. Use aw at the end of a word for the “ô” sound. If a single l, n, or k follows the “ô” sound at the end of the word, use aw.

Which word has a long o sound?

Here are some examples of long /o/ words spelled with letters ow: row. snow. borrow.

Is Au a diphthong?

The two most common diphthongs in the English language are the letter combination “oy”/“oi”, as in “boy” or “coin”, and “ow”/ “ou”, as in “cloud” or “cow”….

Diphthongs Examples
“aw”/“au” straw, law, saw, cause, haul, author
“oy”/“oi” toy, boy, coy, coin, noise, oil
“ow”/“ou” cow, now, flower, cloud, house, loud

What sound does u make in English?

The letter “U” has three different sounds, but one thing that is unique about “U” is that it has two Long-vowel sounds. The basic sounds of the English letter “U” are: Long-U-1, Long-U-2, and Short-u.

Is OO a long U sound?

Discuss the meaning of the words and try to think of a sentence containing the word. Spelling tip: ‘oo’ most often makes a long ‘oo’ sound (often before ‘n’, ‘m’ and ‘l’). Spelling tip: ‘oo’ can give a short ‘u’ sound (often before ‘d’ and ‘k’).