What does the acronym Wat stand for?

What does the acronym Wat stand for?

We are Talented showing only

What does MYOB mean?

mind your own business

What does asab mean?


Acronym Definition
ASAB Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
ASAB Antisperm Antibodies
ASAB Administrative Systems Advisory Board
ASAB Allmänna Städnings Aktiebolaget

What is Bud acronym?

Budget. BUD. Budweiser (US beer) BUD. Beyond-Use Date (products)

What does Bud mean in text?

Friend (from BUDDY)

What does Bud stand for in finance?

What does BUD stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
BUD Budget
BUD Beyond-Use Date (products)
BUD Business Unit Director

What does beyond use date mean?

Beyond-use dates (BUDs) are the date or time after which a compounded sterile preparation (CSP) or compounded nonsterile preparation (CNSP) may not be stored or transported and are calculated from the date or time of compounding.

What does Bud stand for in pharmacy?

Beyond Use Date

What is bid in medicine?

b.i.d., bid, bd. twice a day / twice daily / 2 times daily. bis in die.

What does 3 times a day mean medication?

BID: Twice a day. TID: Three times a day. QID: Four times a day. QHS: Before bed.

What does 2 12 mean on a prescription?

1/51, 2/52. Weekly, fortnightly. 1/12, 2/12. Monthly, bi-monthly (every two months)

What does 1 HS mean in medical terms?

Medical Abbreviations That Indicate When To Take Your Medication: AC, from the Latin 1 “ante cibum,” means “take before a meal.” HS, from the Latin “hora somni,” means “take at bedtime.” PC, from the Latin “post cibum,” means “take after a meal.”

What is the meaning of 1 12?

1/12 – 1 Month.

What does TCI mean NHS?


Abbreviation Meaning
t.d.s, tds, TDS 3 times a day
t.i.d., tid 3 times a day
TCI to come in
TFT thyroid function test

Is hospital an acronym?

The word hospital is not an acronym. The definition of hospital is an institution built and staffed for the diagnosis of disease, and for treatment of the ill ( here ). This Latin noun is also the origin of other English words like hostel, hotel, and hospice ( here ).

What does Opa mean in mental health?

Community Services. Operational Policy. This Operational Policy refers to the Support and Treatment Teams (STT) and the Targeted Treatment Team (TTT).

What does TCI mean in pregnancy?

Trans-cervical insemination

What does ENG free mean on maternity notes?

not engaged

What is a PQ hospital?

Psychiatric intensive-care unit.

Why is 12 a perfect number?

Why do you think numbers having factors adding to less than the number itself are called deficient numbers? 12 is not a perfect number because the sum of its factors, 1+2+3+4+6 is greater than 12. Numbers like 12 are known as abundant numbers .

What is the meaning of 12 in the Bible?

In the most of cases number 12 is actually a representation of authority and perfection. This number can also represent the church and faith in general. It can be also used as a symbol of divine rule, actually the symbol of the perfect government of God.

Is 12 a holy number?

In many religions, such as the Greeks, the number 12 is considered holy and sacred for many generations. There are 12 main gods in Greek mythology, Odin had 12 sons in Norse mythology, 12 disicples of Christ in Christinaity, and 12 Imams in the Islam religion.

What are the 12 gates in heaven?

Pearly gates is an informal name for the gateway to Heaven according to some Christian denominations. It is inspired by the description of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:21: “The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate being made from a single pearl.”

What does 12/21 mean in the Bible?

The mirror hour 12:21 is related to the guardian angel Haamiah. This angel is the angel of truth and through this mirror hour he is giving you a hand in understanding the truth about some things in your life. He also helps you in understanding religious truths.