What does technically strong mean?

What does technically strong mean?

The stock market or a segment of the market is said to be technically strong if it reflects healthy numbers or positive data points for several indicators that are regularly tracked by stock and market analysts. The key indicators suggest probable losers as well as probable winners.

Is the manuscript technically sound?

The manuscript is clearly written and logically organized. The content is technically sound, reflecting best practices in this area of study.

What is the technically?

1 : with regard to or in accordance with a strict or literal interpretation of something (such as a rule, a term, or an official description or designation) What they’re doing is technically illegal. Technically, a tomato is a fruit.

What does being sound mean?

Sound, meaning “free from special defect or injury,” has been recorded as far back as the 1200s. In the 20th century in the United Kingdom and Ireland, sound spread as a slang term for someone you like or something that you enjoy, similar to “cool” or “awesome,” hence an expression like you’re so sound.

Is it sound or sounded?

Whether to use sounded or sounds would depend on if you were in the process of talking to the “villager” or had already finished, just use the appropriate tense. “sounds/sounded like a villager” is correct, but sounds like a translation from another language.

Does the sun make a noise?

Does the Sun make noise as it burns? The surface of the Sun produces sound waves because the surface is convecting and this produces pressure waves that travel into the inner corona. But yes, the surface does produce sound waves, but they have very low wavelengths measures in hundreds of miles!

Is sounds good a sentence?

It may be loud and overpowering, but at least it sounds good. It sounds good that some of the parvenus have volunteered to pay taxes. The principle still sounds good, but our astronomical knowledge is limited, and we haven’t yet discovered any such brethren solar systems.

What does it mean when a whale sounds?

Whales make noise to communicate, locate food, and find each other. Whales are very social creatures that travel in groups called “pods.” They use a variety of noises to communicate and socialize with each other. The three main types of sounds made by whales are clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls.

Do whales like music?

One study indicates that whales vastly prefer their own style of music. He has found that whales sometimes approach when they hear recordings of songs that are similar to their own, but that whale songs that have been manipulated to sound quite different tend to send the whales away or elicit no response at all.

Is 52 Blue still alive?

The fact that the whale has survived and apparently matured indicates it is probably healthy. Still, its unique call is the only one of its kind detected anywhere and there is only one such source per season. Because of this, the animal has been called the loneliest whale in the world.

Do belugas like music?

They like to hear music played on the lute, harp, flute, and similar instruments.” Even in the sixteenth century people played concerts to the whales! For a long time people have sense that these animals are intrigued enough by human life to enjoy listening to our songs.

What key do whales sing in?

Blue whales have changed their songs. It’s the same old tune, but the pitch of the blues is mysteriously lower — especially off the coast of California where, local researchers say, the whales’ voices have dropped by more than half an octave since the 1960s.

Can you hear a whale underwater?

Whales sing between 10Hz and 31 kHz. The low frequency sounds may travel 1000 miles underwater (but are inaudible to the human ear). The audible range sounds can be heard up to several miles, depending on water conditions. Not only can you hear them, you can hear whale song from miles away.

What noise does a killer whale make?

Both residents and transients use discrete calls, whistles, and clicks. Calls and whistles are used only in social communication, while clicks are predominantly used in echolocation. A clicking killer whale produces high frequency sounds and uses the echoes of those sounds to form images of the areas around him or her.

What does a blue whale sound like?

These calls have been described as pulses, grunts, groans, and moans, and are typically in the 15-40 Hz range, often below the threshold of human hearing. In addition to being some of the lowest frequency animal sounds produced, blue whale vocalizations are also recognized among the most intense.

What is louder than a blue whale?

Sperm Whale Although blue whales are considered by most to be the loudest animals, there are many ways to measure loudness. At pure decibels, the sperm whale is louder than the blue whale because its clicks have been recorded at 230 decibels.

Can we hear the sound of Blue Whale?

Humans can hear a wide range of frequencies, from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). Many sounds lie within this range, from a blue whale’s low-pitched songs to a rat’s high-pitched distress calls. But we do not hear all these sounds equally. “Blue whales call at 20 Hz and sperm whales at around 10 kHz,” says Wahlberg.

What are the loudest sounds on earth?

Ranked: the loudest sounds ever measured

  • Crowd at American Airlines Center. (Actual Measurement: 115 dB)
  • Lesser Bulldog Bats. (Actual Measurement: 137 dB)
  • Howler Monkeys. (Actual Measurement: 140 dB)
  • Gunfire. (Actual Measurement: 140-190 dB)
  • Saturn V Rocket. (Actual Measurement: 204 dB)
  • Chelyabinak Meteor.
  • Tunguska Meteor.
  • Krakatoa.

What frequency can kill you?

7 hz

Can a loud sound kill you?

Yes. Sound can absolutely kill you if it’s loud enough. The long answer requires looking at what sound really is. Sound is created by a pressure wave which vibrates particles as it travels in an accordion-like manner.

What does Brown noise do?

Brown noise lowers the higher frequencies even more. It’s a bit “rougher” than pink noise and resembles the roar of a river current or strong wind. Common benefits associated with brown noise are relaxation, improved focus, and of course, sleep improvement.

What’s the loudest A human can shout?

121.7 decibels

Why is quiet so loud?

The brain creates noise to fill the silence, and we hear this as tinnitus. Perhaps only someone with profound deafness can achieve this level of silence, so paradoxically loud. I have it easy, and in fact kind of like my tinnitus: it changes pitch from time to time, an ethereal deep outer space keening.

Who is the loudest man in the world?

Irish teacher Annalisa Flanagan holds the world’s loudest shouting record with 121 decibels (dB), but there was no previous singing record.