What does Sombra say during her ult?

What does Sombra say during her ult?

Correspondingly, what does Sombra say when she Ults with the Demon Hunter skin? The ult is “¡La oscuridad te espera!” It translates into “Darkness awaits you!” It would’ve been a better move is Tracer got the demon hunter skin.

What does Reinhardt say Ults?

On the italian version, he says “Cala il martello”, that is roughly translated into “Hammer goes down!” so I guess that “Hammer down” could be the correct version in English.

What does mercy say during her ult?

Blizzard’s Mercy rework last year certainly had its critics – as any major change in an online game does – but one of the saddest costs of the change was that she no longer uttered her iconic voice line, “heroes never die,” when using her ultimate.

What is a mercy jump?

“Super Jumping with Mercy is hitting Guardian Angel and crouch at about the same time and then jumping towards the end of the Guardian Angel,” he explained. It may seem simple, but there’s a lot more to it than that.

Who does the voice of Widowmaker?

Chloé Hollings

How do you jump boost mercy?

By pressing crouch and Guardian Angel right before jumping, Mercy can gain an extreme burst in height that would otherwise be impossible.

Is Phantom forces cross platform?

Phantom Forces is available only on PC and Xbox. As a phantom forces dev, we’re not going to be allowing cross-platform play for pc and xbox, because PC has an advantage over console, using a mouse makes aiming way easier than xbox.

What Roblox games are cross platform?

Also known as: 로블록스

Can you play Phantom forces console on PC?

We dropped a massive update for Phantom Forces Console yesterday. Console version will now also be up to date with PC.

What does suppress enemy mean in phantom forces?

Suppression. Suppression is what causes a player’s screen to shake and for cracks to play as bullets pass by their heads.