What does so apropos mean?

What does so apropos mean?

1 : at an opportune time : seasonably Your letter arrived apropos. 2 : by way of interjection or further comment : with regard to the present topic.

How do you use apropos in a sentence?

Apropos in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Justine’s apropos comment fit in perfectly with our discussion.
  2. Because my bills were due, the financial gift from my father arrived apropos.
  3. While the words may seem a bit strange, they are apropos and relate to the topic we are discussing.

What does AP per Po mean?

regarding or appropriate to

What does apposite mean in English?

: highly pertinent or appropriate : apt apposite remarks apposite examples.

Does opposed mean against?

(tr) to fight against, counter, or resist strongly. (tr) to be hostile or antagonistic to; be against. (tr) to place or set in opposition; contrast or counterbalance. (tr) to place opposite or facing. (intr) to be or act in opposition.

What’s another word for oppose?

What is another word for oppose?

resist defy
withstand counter
be against combat
confront fight
contradict take on

Is opposer a word?

One that opposes another in a battle, contest, controversy, or debate: adversary, antagonist, opponent, opposition, oppositionist, resister.

What is the opposite of an opposer?

English Synonyms and Antonyms opposer. Antonyms: abetter, abettor, accessory, accomplice, ally, assistant, associate, attendant, coadjutor, colleague, companion, confederate, follower, helper, henchman, participator, partner, retainer.

What does haste mean?

1 : rapidity of motion : swiftness out of breath from haste— Jane Austen We must make haste. 2 : rash or headlong action : precipitateness She sent the letter in haste and later regretted it.

What is the synonyms for enemy?

Synonyms & Antonyms of enemy

  • adversary,
  • antagonist,
  • foe,
  • hostile,
  • opponent.

What do you call an evil person?

Noun. A very wicked or cruel person. fiend. beast. brute.

What is another way to say attractive?

Synonyms of ‘attractive’

  1. seductive. His voice is seductive.
  2. charming. I found her a delightful and charming young woman.
  3. tempting.
  4. interesting. It was interesting to be in a different environment.
  5. pleasing.
  6. pretty. She’s a charming and pretty girl.
  7. fair.
  8. beautiful. a beautiful red-haired woman.

What is the best synonyms for attractive?


  • alluring.
  • beautiful.
  • enticing.
  • fair.
  • glamorous.
  • interesting.
  • inviting.
  • lovely.

What is an attractive man called?

An adonis is a very handsome man, especially a young one. You’ll most commonly see this word capitalized: Adonis, though if you’re using it to mean “handsome guy,” it’s okay to use a lower-case a.

What is another word for sexually attractive?

What is another word for sexually attractive?

sexy sensual
inviting seductive
desirable provocative
hot luscious
voluptuous alluring

Does cute mean sexually attractive?

Something or someone that is cute is very pretty or attractive, or is intended to appear pretty or attractive. If you describe someone as cute, you think they are sexually attractive.

How do you tell if a guy is thinking about you sexually?

Here are some potential signs that a guy is thinking about you sexually or is sexually attracted to you:

  • You notice that he spread his legs while sitting and talking to you.
  • He makes preening gestures when he’s around you.
  • He brushes your arm or engages in other forms of physical contact.

What makes you sexually attracted to someone?

Love is connected with several hormones that make us feel warm and fuzzy. Dopamine is the reward hormone that is released when we do something that makes you feel good, such as spending time with loved ones and having sex. Norepinephrine is also released during attraction, and the combination makes you feel giddy.

What attracts a man to a woman first?

The first thing anyone notices about another person is definitely their looks and their appearance. Even in matters of love, the basic thing that attracts a guy to a girl is their guise and the way they look. However, that is not the only factor that appeals to eyes of men.

What makes a man sexually appealing?

One of the many subtle signs of sex appeal, which goes far beyond physical attributes, is touch. From a gentle hand graze to the strong sweep of an arm around a waist. When we speak about sex appeal, it’s often the physical attributes of a man that might come to mind first, but so much more can come from eye-contact.

Is my boyfriend still sexually attracted to me?

He no longer touches you. Simple gestures like kissing, cuddling, or even just holding your hand are indicators that a guy is still attracted to you. If he’s outright recoiling when you try to hold or touch him, he’s losing (or may have completely lost) his attraction to you.

How do you know a girl is sexually attracted to me?

20 Subtle Signs A Woman Is Sexually Attracted To You

  • Sexually attracted women initiate contact with you.
  • Frequent eye contact indicates major signs of attraction.
  • Sexually attracted women initiate conversation with you.
  • Sexually attracted women make themselves more noticeable.
  • Compliments you often.
  • Asks personal questions.
  • Smiles at you often.
  • She laughs at your jokes.