
What does sartorial style mean?

What does sartorial style mean?

Licensed from GettyImages. adjective. The definition of sartorial relates to clothing, or tailored fashion. When someone dresses in high fashion clothing, this is an example of a situation where sartorial fashion would be used to describe their style of dress.

How do you use sartorial in a sentence?

They accused him of having poor sartorial taste. The wedding party arrived in sartorial splendor.

What does sartorial splendor mean?

adjective. of or relating to tailors or their trade: sartorial workmanship. of or relating to clothing or style or manner of dress: sartorial splendor.

Has there a proclivity?

proclivity. A proclivity is a natural tendency to like something, such as your sister's proclivity for restaurants that serve hot, spicy food. When you have a proclivity, it feels automatic — you like what you like; you don't even have to think about it. The origin of the word proclivity supports this feeling.