What does Sanji mean by Mellorine?

What does Sanji mean by Mellorine?

1) “Mellorine” is a smooth, creamy, frozen, fruit-based dessert similar to sherbert ice cream or something, and Sanji’s chanting it is a reference to the aesthetically pleasing sights of the women. /quote]

What is Sanji’s blood type?


Why is Sanji’s eye covered?

For Sanji, probably he wanted to give his other left eye a chance to see too. It’s his way of showing that at the end of the day it’s just Sanji’s sense of style. It could also be that Zoro is not using is left eye now, if Sanji covers his left eye too, their designs won’t compliment each other.

Did Sanji eat a devil fruit?

Originally Answered: Does Sanji eat a devil fruit? Nope. Sanji has said so himself, that he’d never eat one. He is a sea cook and as such, he needs to be able to swim.

Will Zoro kill Orochi?

zoro will fight/kill orochi and takes his sword to use against king : OnePiece.

Is Kaido Katakuri’s father?

On the same arm, Kaido he has a similar looking skull. As well, the characters both have skulls on their belt buckle. I believe that Oda has subtly been hinting that Kaido is Katakuri’s dad. It makes a lot of sense since Katakuri was born when the Rocks Pirates were together.

Does NAMI forgive Sanji?

He and other fishermen of Arlong park made Nami’s childhood a living hell but in the end, she chose to forgive him. So yea Nami said that out of anger at the moment but if they knew the situation Sanji was in she would never have said that.

Is Tashigi really Kuina?

No, they aren’t the same. Tashigi and Kuina are different people. Tashigi wore glasses since she was a kid, oda mentioned that and even drew a sketch of kid tashigi with glasses. In the anime and manga, we also see Kuina’s body, confirming she did die.

Why does Nami love money?

9 Obsession With Money Due to her poor quality of childhood, and her the goal of freeing Cocoyashi village from Arlong’s grasp, Nami was forced to steal from pirates and her plan was to use the money to buy her village, and in the process, her happiness back.

Who wins Luffy or Kaido?

Episode 915 of the series brings the fight between Luffy and Kaido to a close, but rather than have Luffy walk away the victor, Kaido has won the day. But this isn’t quite as shocking as the way Kaido won the fight as he completely totaled Luffy with a single, one-hit kill attack.

Can Shanks beat Big Mom?

He’ll beat Big Mom anyway. He has haki too, but he’s the strongest creature in the world, even among the humans. He ate Zoan-type fruit as Dragon form. Big Mom is no way to beat him because she just has Prometheus since Nami took her other power as Zeus.

Is Blackbeard afraid of Shanks?

commemorating failure. Blackbeard is so afraid of Shanks, that he scared his face. If anything Shanks is the one who is afraid, cause he was organizing entire meetings with yonkos on how to stop him.

Can Shanks beat mihawk?

He has all three types of Haki. Over the years, Shanks has grown into one of the most powerful people in One Piece. Even if he has one arm less, it hasn’t hindered his progress at all. Shanks has managed to surpass Mihawk, and he is perfectly capable of beating him.

Who is stronger Big Mom or Kaido?

Kaido. He’ll beat Big Mom anyway. He has haki too, but he’s the strongest creature in the world, even among the humans. She used her haki to beat Luffy while he was in haki as Gear Fouth.