What does recompense in the Bible mean?

What does recompense in the Bible mean?

to repay; remunerate; reward, as for service, aid, etc. to pay or give compensation for; make restitution or requital for (damage, injury, or the like).

What is the root word of recompense?

Origin of recompense. Middle English recompensen from Middle French recompenser from Late Latin recompensare: see re- and compensate. something given or done in return for something else; repayment, remuneration, requital, or reward. something given or done to make up for a loss, injury, etc.; compensation.

What does the word recompense?

2 : to return in kind : requite. recompense. noun. Definition of recompense (Entry 2 of 2) : an equivalent or a return for something done, suffered, or given : compensation offered in recompense for injuries.

What is an antonym for recompense?

recompense. Antonyms: damnify, injure, misrequite, dissatisfy. Synonyms: requite, remunerate, reward, indemnify, satisfy, repay, reimburse, compensate.