What does reading the Bible do to your brain?

What does reading the Bible do to your brain?

According to Stanford neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky (of opening quotation familiarity), they activate your mesolimbic dopaminergic system, a common brain reward pathway. They also work to slow your breathing and relax the muscular tension being held in your body.

Do I have to pray everyday?

Christians do not just have to pray every day, Christians are commanded to pray without ceasing – which is a different matter altogether. To pray without ceasing, you must, of necessity, pray daily. We are commanded to pray by God. So we pray because God commands us to.

Can reading the Bible heal you?

There are no magic words for healing in Scripture, despite the bogus claims spouted by TV preachers. If you are not a Christian, you are not under the Covenant of God through Christ and have no promise of potential healing, no matter how much you pray or read healing passages.

How do you read the Bible?

Start with one of the Gospels to read Jesus' story and teachings. The Bible's ultimate message is the story and teachings of Jesus Christ, told in a set of books called the Gospels. If you're just starting out reading the Bible, go with these first. There are four Gospels.