What does PST mean in texting?
What does PST mean in texting?
The Meaning of PST. PST means “Please Send Tell” or “Pacific Standard Time” So now you know – PST means “Please Send Tell” or “Pacific Standard Time” – don’t thank us.
What does Phst mean?
Acronym | Definition |
PHST | Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark (Graz, Austria school) |
PHST | Pharsight Corporation (stock symbol) |
PHST | Pre-Harvest Sprouting Tolerance |
PHST | Packaging, Handling, Storage & Transport(ation) |
What does Ymt mean in texting?
YMT — Youth Music Theatre. YMT — Youth Meets Truth. YMT — Chibougamau/Chapais Airport, Chibougamau, Québec, Canada. YMT — Yanko Moto Tours. YMT — Youth Musical Theatre.
What does YT mean in slang?
Meaning Your turn
What does YTM mean on Snapchat?
You’re the Man
How YTM is calculated?
YTM = the discount rate at which all the present value of bond future cash flows equals its current price. However, one can easily calculate YTM by knowing the relationship between bond price and its yield. When the bond is priced at par, the coupon rate is equal to the bond’s interest rate.
What does YTS mean in slang?
You’re Too Slow
What does YT mean on Tik Tok?
“Whitey” (sometimes abbreviated as “yt”) is a slang term for a white person, often used in a pejorative manner.
What does sus mean on Tik Tok?
indicate something suspicious
Is sis a bad word?
If someone asks you what happened and you respond with “Sis,” it means there’s a whole lot of drama that unfolded and there’s a whole lot more to the story. “Sis” can also be used as a term of endearment toward friends or anyone really.
Why do guys call you sis?
It’s like when a man calls another man ‘bro’. It’s a pally term between friends. He’s either decided you’re friends, or his interpretation of the term ‘sis’ is wrong. Or he’s partial to a bit of incest and is hoping he’ll get away with ‘slipping it in’ during sex.
Is sis a Boggle word?
Yes, sis is in the scrabble dictionary.
What is sis in business?
Strategic information systems (SIS) are information systems that are developed in response to corporate business initiative. In a nutshell, SIM helps businesses and organizations categorize, store, process and transfer the information they create and receive.
Is CIS a word?
A cisgender person (sometimes cissexual, informally abbreviated cis) is a person whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. For example, someone who identifies as a woman and was identified as female at birth is a cisgender woman. The word cisgender is the antonym of transgender.
Is sis a pronoun?
Some people make up their own pronouns using the first letter of their name. For example, Se/Sir/Sis (for a name beginning with S). Others prefer not to use pronouns at all and will only use their name (for example, “Scott ate Scott’s lunch”).
What does SIS mean in school?
Student Information System
What is the prefix for they them?
Luebbert uses they/them pronouns and has their students address them with honorific Mx. — a gender-neutral alternative to the gendered Mr., Ms., Miss and Mrs.
What can I use instead of Mr and Mrs?
Among the words officially added to dictionary.com this week is “Mx.,” pronounced “mix” and defined as “a title of respect prefixed to a person’s surname: unlike Mr., Mrs., or Ms., it does not indicate gender and may be used by a person with any or no specific gender identity.”
What is it called when you want to be called they?
People who are non-binary ask other people to use the non-gender identity pronouns ‘they’ and ‘them’ when describing them. Non-binary people are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Sam Smith came out as non-binary six months ago. They said they “flow somewhere in between” being a male and female.
When should you call someone?
This is why “they” is often used in colloquial English as a singular gender-neutral pronoun for people who probably aren’t genderqueer. (“Who is at the door?” “Dunno – go see what they want.”) “They” is often used this way, and has been used this way since the Shakespearean era.