What does Prescind mean?

What does Prescind mean?

for purposes of thought

What does Proport mean?

1 : to have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming (something implied or inferred) a book that purports to be an objective analysis also : claim foreign novels which he purports to have translated — Mary McCarthy. 2 : intend, purpose. purport. noun. pur·​port | \ ˈpər-ˌpȯrt \

What does the word separates mean?

to put, bring, or force apart; part: to separate two fighting boys. to set apart; disconnect; dissociate: to separate church and state. to remove or sever from association, service, etc., especially legally or formally: He was separated from the army right after V-E Day.

What is the meaning of separate page?

noun. (in a newspaper) a page replacing one of an earlier edition and containing chiefly the same material in altered form.

What is another word for seperating?

SYNONYMS FOR separate 1, 2 sever, sunder, split. 3 disjoin, disengage. 13 unattached, severed, discrete. 15 secluded, isolated.

What is the closest meaning of separate?

(Entry 1 of 3) transitive verb. 1a : to set or keep apart : disconnect, sever. b : to make a distinction between : discriminate, distinguish separate religion from magic.

Which word in the above lines means opposite to separate?

Answer: ANTONYMS. disconnect, pull apart, break apart, detach, disengage, uncouple, unyoke, disarticulate, disassemble, disunite, disjoin, disaffiliate.

What word means to separate from the rest of the group?

verb (used with object), seg·re·gat·ed, seg·re·gat·ing. to separate or set apart from others or from the main body or group; isolate: to segregate exceptional children; to segregate hardened criminals.

What does Segerated mean?

1 : to separate or set apart from others or from the general mass : isolate. 2 : to cause or force the separation of (as from the rest of society) intransitive verb. 1 : separate, withdraw. 2 : to practice or enforce a policy of segregation.

What does desegregate mean?

transitive verb. : to eliminate segregation in specifically : to free of any law, provision, or practice requiring isolation of the members of a particular race in separate units.

What is the opposite word of attention?

attention(n) Antonyms: inattention, inadvertence, slight, disregard. Synonyms: heed, regard, advertence, vigilance, circumspection, consideration, alertness, watchfulness, notice, civility, courtesy, deference, devoirs, addresses.

What is the word for someone who needs attention?

Attention seeker’s, needy, demanding, self centred, dramatic and controlling are all names for people that constantly need attention.

What is the opposite of attraction?

attraction(n) Antonyms: repulsion, repellence, repugnance, antipathy. Synonyms: allurement, fascination, charm, inducement, witchery, magnetism, enticement, lure.

What do you call a foolish person?

What is another word for foolish person?

jackass idiot
fool imbecile
dolt dullard
simpleton twit
doofus dork

What is a slang name for a foolish person?

Slang name for a foolish person. DINGBAT.

How do you describe a foolish person?

1 stupid, witless, brainless, senseless, unintelligent; ridiculous, absurd, nonsensical, preposterous. 1, 2 imprudent, thoughtless, 2 impetuous, rash, reckless, foolhardy, half-baked, heedless, incautious.

What is foolish behavior?

If someone’s behavior or action is foolish, it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgment. If you look or feel foolish, you look or feel so silly or ridiculous that people are likely to laugh at you.

What does God say about fools?

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.

What does foolish love mean?

English Language Learners Definition of infatuation : a feeling of foolish or very strong love or admiration for someone or something. See the full definition for infatuation in the English Language Learners Dictionary. infatuation.

Are unwise and foolish the same?

As adjectives the difference between foolish and unwise is that foolish is lacking good sense or judgement; unwise while unwise is not wise; defective in wisdom; injudicious; indiscreet; foolish.

Who is a gullible person?

If you are gullible, the joke is on you because you are easily fooled. It is thought that gullible might be derived from the verb gull, meaning “to swallow.” This would be a funny coincidence as gullible describes an overly trusting person who tends to swallow the stories he hears whole.