What does Phoebus Lodging mean?

What does Phoebus Lodging mean?

In Act III, Scene II, when Juliet says, “Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds, / Towards Phoebus’ lodging,” she is using Greek mythology to express her eagerness for the day to pass and for night to fall so that her wedding night can take place (1-2).

What does Phoebus mean in Romeo and Juliet?

Phoebus is an allusion to Apollo, the Greek god of the sun (among other things). In myth, Apollo is depicted as driving a chariot (Phaeton) that controls the rising and setting of the sun. In this early part of her monologue, Juliet wishes for the sun to set and the night to arrive.

Who is Phaeton in Romeo and Juliet?

While expressing her impatience for reuniting with Romeo, Juliet alludes to Phaeton’s chariot in the above lines. According to Greek mythology, Phaeton was the son of Phoebus, the sun god. One day Phaeton asked his father that he be allowed to ride the sun chariot.

What happened in Act 3 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet?

Summary: Act 3, scene 2 Suddenly the Nurse rushes in with news of the fight between Romeo and Tybalt. Juliet assumes Romeo has killed himself, and she resigns to die herself. The Nurse then begins to moan about Tybalt’s death, and Juliet briefly fears that both Romeo and Tybalt are dead.

What are three oxymorons Juliet uses to describe Romeo?

Write down three of the oxymorons Juliet uses to describe Romeo (and explain why she uses this literary technique to describe her young husband.) She says he is a “beautiful tyrant,” a ” end angelical,” and a “dove-feathered raven.” (She’s conflicted between family love and romantic love.)

Which of these is the best example of transgression?

The best example of a transgression? Would be something bad that you do to someone. An example would be theft.

Which word best describes Tybalt?

From the given options, the word that best describes Tybalt is the corresponding to option B: aggressive, we can see this in the way he expresses himself towards Benvolio and in phrases like ” What!

What is Tybalt’s personality?

Tybalt was a hotheaded, loyal swordsman who thought he was protecting the Capulet name. In the end, Tybalt’s anger and quick temper resulted not only in his own death, but in the death of Mercutio, which all ultimately led to the suicide of Romeo and Juliet.

Why is Tybalt so angry?

Why does Tybalt become so upset, and how does Capulet respond to his rage? He is upset because he sees Romeo at his party and their families do not like each other. Capulet tells him not to fight tonight. Romeo because Romeo likes Juliet and owes his happiness to his enemy.

What is the personality of Friar Lawrence?

Friar Laurence’s character is that of a trustworthy, friendly, and helpful man. The first trait of Friar Laurence’s personality is him being trustworthy. When talking to Romeo the Friar says “But come, young waverer, come go with me. / In one respect I’ll thy assistant be” (89-90).

Why is Friar Lawrence not guilty?

Friar Lawrence is innocent for the deaths because he gave Juliet the potion to stop her from marrying Paris, he was trying to help them get married, and he intended for Romeo to know about the plan.

Why is Friar Laurence a bad mentor?

Friar Lawrence is a terrible mentor for his unacceptable choice of leaving Juliet in the tomb. She was not in a normal state of mind and he needed to realize that.

What is Romeo’s worst trait?

Romeo’s negative qualities are his impetuous nature, over-dramatic personality, and flighty character. Juliet’s positive qualities are her loyalty, independence, and respectful nature. Juliet’s negative qualities are her capacity for dissembling, defiance, and stubbornness.

Did Friar Laurence give Juliet poison?

After Paris leaves, Juliet asks Friar Lawrence for help, brandishing a knife and saying that she will kill herself rather than marry Paris. Juliet consents to the plan wholeheartedly. Friar Lawrence gives her the sleeping potion.

Who does Friar Laurence blame for Juliet’s death?

Fate is responsible for Juliet’s death. Friar Laurence blames the “lamentable chance” (Act 5 3, line 146) of “an unkind hour” (Act 5.3, line 145) for the fact that his plan has failed and Romeo has killed himself.

Does Friar Laurence feel guilty?

Friar Lawrence is a valuable person in the book Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence is guilty for the death of Romeo and Juliet is because he gave Juliet the potion, he knew how Romeo would react the way he did, and he had left Juliet by herself when she found out Romeo was dead.

What does the Friar discover in lines 140 146?

What does the Friar discover in lines 140–146?  The Friar finds blood “which stains / The stony entrance of this sepulchre” (lines 140–141) along with “masterless and gory swords” (line 142). In other words, he finds blood at the entrance to the tomb, along with bloody, abandoned swords.

Is Friar Lawrence most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?

Friar Laurence was the most responsible for the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. He makes his decisions too quickly without fully thinking them through. Because of his decisions, he caused Romeo and Juliet to die.

What is Friar Laurence saying?

Friar Lawrence is warning against impulsivity/haste in falling in love and getting married. “So smile the heavens upon this holy act That after-hours with sorrow chide us not.” May the heavens be happy with this holy act of marriage, so nothing unfortunate happens later to make us regret it.

Why did Juliet fake her death?

Juliet fakes her death to avoid marriage and free herself to marry Romeo.