What does Paquita mean in English?

What does Paquita mean in English?

The name Paquita means Free and is of Spanish origin.

What does Pulmo mean in Spanish?

(word root) lung.

What is the meaning of translated?

transitive verb. 1a : to turn into one’s own or another language. b : to transfer or turn from one set of symbols into another : transcribe. c(1) : to express in different terms and especially different words : paraphrase.

What is the best definition of translate?

To translate is to put into a different language or interpret. You can translate sales into dollars, or a play into a movie. When used that way, translate means changing something from one form to another.

What is the translation rule?

A translation is a type of transformation that moves each point in a figure the same distance in the same direction. The second notation is a mapping rule of the form (x,y) → (x−7,y+5). This notation tells you that the x and y coordinates are translated to x−7 and y+5. The mapping rule notation is the most common.

How do you describe a translation?

A translation is a type of transformation that moves each point in a figure the same distance in the same direction. Translations are often referred to as slides. You can describe a translation using words like “moved up 3 and over 5 to the left” or with notation.

What is needed to describe a translation?

A translation moves a shape. Every point of the shape is moved in the same direction by the same distance. To describe a translation, we need to say in which direction and by what distance each point is moved.

What is the translation rule for a graph?

The Rule for Horizontal Translations: if y = f(x), then y = f(x-h) gives a vertical translation. The translation h moves the graph to the left when h is a postive value and to the right when h is negative value.

What is the coordinate rule for translation?

Example 1: Give a coordinate rule for translating a figure horizontally by 3 units. Solution: A horizontal translation just changes the x-coordinates of all points, so the rule is (x, y) à (x + 3, y).

What are the 4 translations?

There are four main types of transformations: translation, rotation, reflection and dilation. These transformations fall into two categories: rigid transformations that do not change the shape or size of the preimage and non-rigid transformations that change the size but not the shape of the preimage.

What is the rule for coordinates?

Coordinates are written as (x, y) meaning the point on the x axis is written first, followed by the point on the y axis. Some children may be taught to remember this with the phrase ‘along the corridor, up the stairs’, meaning that they should follow the x axis first and then the y.

What is the XY rule?

The rule for a reflection over the y -axis is (x,y)→(−x,y) .

What is the transformation rule?

: a principle in logic establishing the conditions under which one statement can be derived or validly deduced from one or more other statements especially in a formalized language.

What does line Y X mean?

the line y = x is the point (y, x). The reflection of the point (x,y) across. the line y = -x is the point (-y, -x). Reflect over any line: Remember that each point of a reflected image is the same distance from the line of reflection as the corresponding point of the original figure.

What are the rules for rotation?

Rotations About The Origin

  • 90 Degree Rotation. When rotating a point 90 degrees counterclockwise about the origin our point A(x,y) becomes A'(-y,x).
  • 180 Degree Rotation. When rotating a point 180 degrees counterclockwise about the origin our point A(x,y) becomes A'(-x,-y).
  • 270 Degree Rotation.

What is the rule for a 90 degree rotation?

The rule for a rotation by 90° about the origin is (x,y)→(−y,x) .

What is the rule for a 90 clockwise rotation?

Rule : When we rotate a figure of 90 degrees clockwise, each point of the given figure has to be changed from (x, y) to (y, -x) and graph the rotated figure. Let us look at some examples to understand how 90 degree clockwise rotation can be done on a figure.

Is rotating 180 degrees clockwise different than rotating 180 degrees counter clockwise?

Yes, the formula for a 180° rotation about the origin is the same for both clockwise and counterclockwise. This is because a 180° rotation…

What is the rule for rotating 360 degrees clockwise?

Clockwise rotations are denoted by negative numbers. Counterclockwise rotations are denoted by positive numbers. Note that the direction of rotation (CW or CCW) doesn’t matter for 180 and 360-degree rotations, since they will both bring you to the same spot (more on this later).

What is a 180 degree clockwise rotation?

Rotation of a point through 180°, about the origin when a point M (h, k) is rotated about the origin O through 180° in anticlockwise or clockwise direction, it takes the new position M’ (-h, -k). Worked-out examples on 180 degree rotation about the origin: 1.

What does clockwise mean?

: in the direction in which the hands of a clock rotate as viewed from in front or as if standing on a clock face.