What does OC mean in FB?
What does OC mean in FB?
Original Content
What does OC mean in roleplay?
Original Character
What does Rp stand for?
Received Pronunciation
What does IC mean in RP?
in character
What is IC short for?
Acronym | Definition |
IC | Intelligence Community |
IC | I See (chat code) |
IC | Intensive Care |
IC | Internal Combustion (engine) |
What is Rp in chat?
(Here, RP means “Role Play”.)
What does NVL mean in RP?
No Value of Life
What does FearRP mean?
Fear roleplay
What is RDM RP?
Random DeathMatch (also referring to RDM) means that someone randomly kills you.
What is Fail RP in GTA RP?
Fail RP means for people who can’t role play properly with other people or characters. They are usually new players to RP and are in the learning process. Mostly on LG it’s failing to stay in your character.
Is GTA RP free?
gave away this game for free. As a result, most of the people own the GTA 5 PC now. Besides all these, before the Free GTA 5, a new thing got highlighted, the GTA 5 Roleplay. YouTube/Twitch Streamers started to Stream the GTA 5 RP, and hence it gained popularity
What is an example of fail RP?
(FailRP) – There are many many many ways something could be considered “Fail RP” but I’ll go ahead and give you a few examples: “You are being arrested by APD, you tell them you have a medical condition that cuts circulation to your hands while being restrained, and that it could cause a blood clot in which you would …
What does void mean in roleplay?
(void) is a roleplaying function in ATF that nullifies the previous roleplay actions done by the player. It is used in the OOC format, with parentheses. It is commonly used to nullify actions that are simply considered illogical for whatever reason, but it can also have other purposes.
What does void mean?
Definition of void (Entry 2 of 3) 1a : opening, gap. b : empty space : emptiness, vacuum. 2 : the quality or state of being without something : lack, absence. 3 : a feeling of want or hollowness.
What does FRP mean in Roblox?
Fail roleplay
What does ABC mean in Roblox adopt me?
This can usually be found in roleplaying games. Someone might say “abc for a sister” and if you wanted to role play as a sister you would respond with abc. ABC by itself has no meaning as an initialism in Roblox
What egg will replace the Aussie egg in Adopt Me?
Fossil Egg
What is the most legendary pet in Adopt Me?
Legendary Pets
- Albino Monkey (Monkey Box)
- Arctic Reindeer (Christmas Egg)
- Bat Dragon (Halloween Event 2019: 180,000 Candies)
- Cerberus (500 Robux)
- Crow (Farm Egg)
- Diamond Ladybug (Farm Shop Event 2021 – Diamond Lavender (199 Robux) – 1 in 40 Chance)
- Dodo (Fossil Egg)
- Dragon (Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, or Royal Egg)
Are Aussie egg leaving adopt me?
The Aussie Egg is a limited legendary egg in Adopt Me!. It was released on February 29, 2020, replacing the Farm Egg, and left on October 10, 2020, at 10am PST, being replaced by the Fossil Egg.
Where to get a blue egg in Adopt Me?
This egg is now only obtainable through trading with other players who own the item.