What does normal VAG discharge look like?
What does normal VAG discharge look like?
Normal vaginal discharge is usually clear or milky and may have a subtle scent that is not unpleasant or foul smelling. It's also important to know that vaginal discharge changes over the course of a woman's menstrual cycle. These changes in color and thickness are associated with ovulation and are natural.
How do I know if my discharge is normal?
Normal discharge can be odorless or have a smell, but it's usually mild and not unpleasant. It might mix with some urine, or blood around the time of menstruation, which can influence how it smells on your underwear. Getting to know your typical smell is most important for identifying when something changes.
What causes excessive vaginal discharge?
Increased vaginal discharge can be caused by normal menstrual cycle changes, vaginal infection, or cancer (rare). If a woman has more than her usual amount of vaginal discharge, she may need to see her healthcare provider. If a woman has discharge plus itching or burning near the vagina, she may have vaginitis.
What color discharge means?
Clear and Stretchy — This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating. Clear and Watery — This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be particularly heavy after exercising. Yellow or Green — May indicate an infection, especially if it is thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.