What does NES Pa mean?

What does NES Pa mean?

n’est-ce pas

How do you know the gender of a word in French?

Most nouns that end with a consonant will be masculine. Keyword: MOST. If it ends with_____ it may be feminine. Most combinations of vowel + consonant + –e will be feminine, such as: -ine, -elle, -esse, -ette, etc.

Why is there gender in French?

No explanations exist as to why French nouns have a gender or how the gender of any noun was originally determined, so you cannot rely on a rule to guide you; however, certain endings do generally indicate a feminine or masculine noun.

Why are French words masculine and feminine?

French is Latin mispronounced by proto-Germans. Both Latin and German have three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine and neutral. Both languages are part of the Indo-European family and derive their gender system from the same root. The origin of grammatical gender is not fully known.

Why is pizza feminine?

Because it’s borrowed from Italian, where it is also feminine! Nouns in French are either grammatically masculine or grammatically feminine, and the word pizza falls into the category of grammatically feminine.

How do you say my friend is feminine in French?

Mon ami (or mon amie in the feminine) means “my friend.”

How do you use Mon Ma Mes?

  1. if the thing/person is masculine (le), then you generally use mon to translate ‘my’;
  2. if the thing/person is feminine (la), then you generally use ma to translate ‘my’;
  3. if the thing/person is plural (les), then you use mes to translate ‘my’.

What is the difference between Leur and leurs in French?

Leur is used for both masculine and feminine nouns in the singular, whereas leurs is used for both masculine and feminine nouns in the plural. Oui, c’est leur stylo.

What is the difference between ton and Votre?

So, therefore, ‘ton’ means your for your mate while ‘Votre’ means your for elderly people.

Is freer a real word?

Freer is the comparative of free.

What is a mon frere?

English Translation. my brother.

What is a frere?

Definition of ‘frere’ 1. a brother. 2. a friar.