What does modren mean?

What does modren mean?

adjective. of or relating to present and recent time; not ancient or remote: modern city life. characteristic of present and recent time; contemporary; not antiquated or obsolete: modern viewpoints. of or relating to the historical period following the Middle Ages: modern European history.

What defines modern life?

Filters. Modern society, or modernity, is defined as people living together in the current time. An example of modern society is the current political, sociological, scientific and artistic climate. noun.

What is the adjective of modern?

adjective. /ˈmɑdərn/ 1[only before noun] of the present time or recent times synonym contemporary the modern industrial world Modern European history modern Greek Stress is a major problem of modern life. Shakespeare’s language can be a problem for modern readers.

Is Unmodern a word?

adjective. Not modern; antiquated, old-fashioned.

What’s another word for outdated?

What is another word for outdated?

old banal
archaic obsolete
defunct extinct
antiquated antediluvian
superannuated hoary

What is the opposite of Raw?

Opposite of in a raw, natural or unrefined state. refined. processed. treated. unnatural.

What is another name for raw?

Raw Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for raw?

uncooked fresh
undercooked green
bloody natural
unripe unbaked
unfried unpasteurized

What is the opposite of fictitious?

fictitious. Antonyms: real, true, historical, genuine, authentic, veritable. Synonyms: unreal, suppositious, spurious, imaginary.

What is the difference between fictitious and fictional?

Put that all together, and try on this distinction: “Fictional” means coming from a made-up story or narrative, “fictitious” is a made-up thing or feeling. In most cases, “fictitious” is the better adjective than “fictional,” which takes a perfectly good noun and makes it into a weak adjective.

What is another word for fictitious?

Fictitious Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for fictitious?

imaginary mythical
unreal fanciful
fantastic fabulous
chimerical imagined
fictional mythic

What is the opposite of fetid?

What is the opposite of fetid?

clean cleanly
unsullied scrubbed
chaste moral
neat pristine
pure sterile

How do you spell fictitious?

Not real; pretended; false. Fictitious joy. Assumed for disguise or deception.

What imaginary means?

1a : existing only in imagination : lacking factual reality. b : formed or characterized imaginatively or arbitrarily his canvases, chiefly imaginary, somber landscapes — Current Biography. 2 : containing or relating to the imaginary unit imaginary roots.

Are imaginary things or person?

An imaginary person, place, or thing exists only in your mind or in a story, and not in real life. Lots of children have imaginary friends.

Why is it called imaginary number?

An “imaginary number” is a multiple of a quantity called “i” which is defined by the property that i squared equals -1. At that point in time, people were imagining what it would be like to have a number system that contained square roots of negative numbers, hence the name “imaginary”.

What is the base word of imaginary?

“not real, existing only in fancy,” late 14c., ymaginaire, from imagine + -ary; or else from Late Latin imaginarius “seeming, fancied,” also literal, “pertaining to an image,” from Latin imaginari “picture to oneself.” Imaginary friend (one who does not exist) attested by 1789.

Is Imaginarily a word?

i·mag·i·nar·y. adj. 1. Having existence only in the imagination; unreal.

What is the root word for kindness?

Kindness comes from the Old English word ‘kyndnes’ meaning ‘nation’ or ‘produce, increase’. The word is further derived from the Middle English word ‘kindenes’ meaning ‘noble deeds’ or ‘courtesy’.

How do you write imaginary sentences?

  1. My little daughter has an imaginary friend.
  2. He told a story about an imaginary land.
  3. Some troubles are imaginary, but the suffering they cause is real.
  4. As she listened, she played an imaginary piano on her knees.
  5. The story is wholly imaginary.
  6. He formulated the concept of imaginary time.

Would an imaginary situation?

To express uncertainty, we should use “would”. For example, “I would say he is about forty”. By the way words such as, imagine, say and think go along with “would” to express these types of situations. In those situations, “would” is used after the word wish.

Why do we use conditionals?

Conditionals are extremely important in the English language because they help us express things that may happen in the present and future. Conditionals serve many purposes and take several different forms. They can be used to give advice, express regret and discuss facts, among other things.

What is imaginary condition?

Imaginary Conditions: Present and Unspecified Time Express conditions that are hypothetical or that the speaker thinks of as untrue, contrary to fact. The sentences maybe wishes and dreams or they might express advice.

What are the types of conditionals?

There are four main kinds of conditionals:

  • The Zero Conditional: (if + present simple, present simple)
  • The First Conditional: (if + present simple, will + infinitive)
  • The Second Conditional: (if + past simple, would + infinitive)
  • The Third Conditional. (if + past perfect, would + have + past participle)

How do you identify conditionals?

Identifying Conditional

  1. If I don’t drink tea in the morning, I feel sick.
  2. I will talk to her if I meet her.
  3. I would have helped him if I had been there.
  4. If I were you I would get that car serviced.
  5. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got married soon.
  6. If he arrives soon, we will go the movies.
  7. If I had the time, I would bake a cake.

What conditional is used for real or possible situation?

Conditional Sentence Type 1 Often called the “real” conditional because it is used for real or possible situations. These situations take place if a certain condition is met. It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.