
What does Losa mean?

What does Losa mean?

losa, la ~ (f) (lápida sepulcral) gravestone, the ~ Noun. tombstone, the ~ Noun. headstone, the ~ Noun.

How do I find my water Toby?

A toby is a water valve that shuts off the mains water to your whole property. It will likely be located at the front of your house, or somewhere around the perimeter of your property. Look out for a small cover on the ground (usually near an outside tap). The cover will either be black/blue plastic or metal.

What is a Toby box?

Description. TOBY Boxes are designed to offer operators/installers a universal modular chamber for housing Subscriber terminations at customer demarcations. This Underground Chamber can be used as a connection point for Microduct Links.

How do I find my mains water?

In a home the inside stop tap is usually located under the kitchen sink, but can also be in an airing cupboard or under the floorboards near the front door. You should be able to operate the valve yourself. Turning the valve clockwise will close it, reducing the amount of water passing through.

How do I know who my water supplier is?

You can check the Consumer Council for Water’s website or the Ofwat website to find out which water supplier operates your area. A full list of contact details is available on the Ofwat website.

How deep is a residential water line?

3 feet

What happens if you get caught stealing water?

Stealing water is illegal and is considered a criminal offense; violators can be arrested, jailed and/or be required to pay fines.

What happens if you steal electricity UK?

When someone suspects you of stealing electricity, you will receive a visit from a revenue protection officer. These people have the power to cut off your electricity on the spot, and to recover the cost of all the electricity you have stolen. Fail to comply, and you may face criminal charges.

Can someone steal electricity from me?

If you suspect someone has tampered with your meter or is otherwise stealing your electricity, contact your local electric company for help. Stealing electricity is a crime, and electric companies prosecute those who do it. If theft is an issue, they will investigate and stop the thief.