What does Janie tell Joe before he dies?

What does Janie tell Joe before he dies?

What did Janie tell Joe just before he died? She told him he really didn’t know her, that she had a lot of sympathy but he would never let her use it.

What does Diasticutis mean?

diasticutis. slang word for one’s posterior or buttocks.

What is the muck in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

The muck refers to the Everglades, a swampy part of Florida, where Tea Cake and Janie both labor as migrant workers.

What does Meriny colored mean?

meriny skin like browned-egg-white meringue; a complexion color.

What is the purpose of the alligator image?

Zora Neale Hurston uses the alligator to bring about the sense of fear and unsureness.

What is Janie thinking when she decides to shoot?

Janie is trying to figure out a way to stop Tea Cake from killing her. When she realizes there’s no stopping him, she comes to the conclusion that she has to shoot him. She realizes this and states “The fiend in him must kill and Janie was the only thing living he saw.” He then tries to shoot her, but misses.

Does Janie get rabies?

Janie does not get rabies, there is no evidence of that in the story. She returns home because she did not want to remain in the Everglades without him.

Did Janie kill tea cake?

Janie kills Tea Cake to save her own life. A few weeks before, Tea Cake was bitten while rescuing Janie from an angry dog during the hurricane. Finally, out of his mind, Tea Cake shoots at Janie, and she kills him in self-defense.

Why is Janie still wearing her overalls at the end of Chapter 19?

Janie arranges an elaborate funeral for Tea Cake, whom she has come to idealize as the “son of the Evening Sun.” She is so distraught that she doesn’t care about her appearance; rather than wearing black for mourning, she wears her overalls.

What do overalls symbolize?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, one object author Harper Lee uses to symbolize Scout Finch is her overalls. But Scout’s overalls do more than symbolize her tomboyish behavior; they symbolize her rebelliousness, especially her rebellion against society.

What is tea cake buried with?

The all-white, all-male jury finds her innocent. After the trial, the white women of the muck gather around Janie to comfort her, while her former friends stand in judgment against her. Janie buries Tea Cake in Palm Beach on a white silk couch surrounded by roses “like a Pharaoh in his tomb.”

Why does tea cake have to die?

He was her hero, but he is not treated with a hero’s glorious death. Instead, he is reduced to insanity because of a rabies bite from a stray dog caught up in the hurricane. Because of this, Janie is forced to kill the man she loves to put him out of his rabies-induced misery. That in itself is why Tea Cake had to die.

How did tea cake get rabies?

Tea Cake contracted rabies when he was bitten by a rabid dog. This happened during the hurricane that destroyed Tea Cake and Janie’s home in the Everglades. In chapter 18, Tea Cake and Janie are fighting the storm.

Why does tea cake kill the dog?

Janie kills Tea Cake because he had rabies. Rabies is a deadly disease that causes insanity and erratic and violent behavior, so her killing of Tea Cake is an act of self defense and a kind mercy killing. In the book, Tea Cake is bitten by a rabid dog while trying to save Janie during a hurricane.

Why did Janie marry Logan?

Why did Janie marry Logan Killicks? She discovered that marriage did not make love.

What does Janie dislike about her husband?

How does Janie feel about her husband? She doesn’t like the the shape of his head or the fact that he has a big belly. She also hates stirring up his smell when in bed. She feels disappointed.

Why does Logan kill Janie?

To top it off, she doesn’t care at all for his 60 acres. Enraged, Logan calls her spoiled, thinks that she looks down on him because she was raised in a white household, and says that her mother and grandmother weren’t hardworking. And, he threatens to kill her with an axe.

How did Janie change throughout her marriages?

She learned from her marriage to Logan Killicks that she could not learn to love someone. After her marriage to Jody Starks, Janie realized that equality is important within a marriage. Janie learned through her three marriages even though she had bad experiences with love; there was a thing as true love.

How did Joe treat Janie?

10) How does Joe Starks treat Janie? Joe Starks treats Janie well in some ways: He builds her a big house and gives her nice clothes, and she gets the respect due to the wife of the mayor. However, Joe is also very domineering and jealous. He makes Janie cover her hair so other men can’t see it.

How does Janie feel about her marriage to Joe?

Soon after they are married he feels Janie doesn’t do enough work around the house and thinks she is spoiled. He is unloving, and Janie quickly realizes that he is not the fulfillment of her dream under the pear tree. Janie eventually leaves Logan for Joe Starks.

How does Janie view death?

4) How does Janie feel about Jody’s death? After Jody dies, Janie likes “being lonesome for a change.” While she is sorry that Jody suffered in his dying and feels “pity for the first time in years” for the way life “mishandled” him, Janie finally feels free from the oppression her marriage imposed upon her.

How did Joe meet Janie?

Joe Starks walks into Janie’s life at an opportune time. She is regretting her marriage to Logan Killicks and hankering to explore the world outside her gate. Janie is immediately attracted to Joe and makes a show of pumping water to offer him a cool drink. Soon, Janie runs away with him, and they head to Eatonville.

What does Joe Starks symbolize?

Joe Stark symbolizes freedom and carefree living. When Janie first meets Joe she thinks that marrying him would result in her having a very easy and layed back life because he makes her believe that he would do all the work while she relaxes on the porch.