What does it mean when your breath hitched?
What does it mean when your breath hitched?
In the cowboy movies the horses are “hitched” to the “hitching post” so they can’t run away. So if your breath catches, and you stop breathing, you can say your breath “hitched”.
What does bend mean?
transitive verb. 1 : to constrain or strain to tension by curving bend a bow. 2a : to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular bend a pipe. b : to force from a proper shape Her bicycle’s back wheel got bent in the crash.
What does bend mean sexually?
it means that you would be having sex in the butt. : P.
Is it bend or bent?
Is it bended or bent? Bent is the past tense form of the verb bend, which means to make something straight become curved, or vice versa. Bended is an archaic form that has persisted in the idiom on bended knee but is nonstandard otherwise.
What is the synonym of Bend?
SYNONYMS. curve, crook, make crooked, make curved, flex, angle, hook, bow, arc, arch, buckle, warp, contort, distort, deform. twist, spiral, coil, curl, loop.
What is opposite of Bend?
Antonyms: straighten, unbend. Synonyms: deform, turn away, twist, flex, bow, stoop, deflect, crouch, turn. bend(verb)
What is the antonyms of better?
better(adj) the superior one of two alternatives. “chose the better of the two” Antonyms: worse, inadvisable, worsened, unadvisable, minor, worsen, exasperate, aggravate, decline, exacerbate.
What’s another word for crooked?
SYNONYMS FOR crooked 1 winding, devious, sinuous, flexuous, tortuous, spiral, twisted. 3 misshapen. 4 unscrupulous, knavish, tricky, fraudulent.
What is the meaning of nefarious?
: flagrantly wicked or impious : evil.
Which means almost the same as crooked?
SYNONYMS. lopsided, askew, awry, to one side, off-centre, uneven, unsymmetrical, asymmetrical, asymmetric, not straight, out of true, out of line, on one side, tilted, at an angle, angled, slanted, aslant, slanting, sloping, squint.
Is crookedly a word?
crooked adjective (OF BENT PART) not straight or not even; twisted, bent, or uneven: That dog’s tail is crooked.vor 7 Tagen
Which is not straight?
crooked Add to list Share. Something crooked is not straight, like a trail through the woods, or your cousin’s unfortunate set of teeth. Crook is a Middle English verb meaning “bend,” which comes from the Norse for hook.
How do you spell crooked smile?
Definition of ‘crooked’
- adjective. If you describe something as crooked, especially something that is usually straight, you mean that it is bent or twisted.
- adjective. A crooked smile is uneven and bigger on one side than the other.
- adjective.
What does crooned mean?
1 chiefly Scotland : bellow, boom. 2 : to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner The mother crooned as she rocked the baby. especially : to sing in a soft intimate manner adapted to amplifying systems. transitive verb. : to sing (something, such as a popular song or a lullaby) in a crooning manner …
What does Crone mean?
a cruel or ugly old woman
What does bellowed mean?
1 : to make the loud deep hollow sound characteristic of a bull. 2 : to shout in a deep voice. transitive verb. : bawl bellows the orders. Bellow.
What does gaily mean?
in a happy and lively way
What does Overacuteness mean?
sharp or severe in effect; intense: acute sorrow;an acute pain. extremely great or serious; crucial; critical: an acute shortage of oil.
What does suavity mean?
noun, plural suav·i·ties. a suave or smoothly agreeable quality. suavities, suave or courteous actions or manners; amenities.
What does deputed mean?
verb (used with object), de·put·ed, de·put·ing. to appoint as one’s substitute, representative, or agent. to assign (authority, a function, etc.) to a deputy.
What does Foresight mean?
1 : an act or the power of foreseeing : prescience Through foresight she could tell what the outcome would be. 2 : provident care : prudence had the foresight to invest his money wisely. 3 : an act of looking forward also : a view forward.
What vehemently means?
adjective. zealous; ardent; impassioned: a vehement defense;vehement enthusiasm. characterized by rancor or anger; violent: vehement hostility. strongly emotional; intense or passionate: vehement desire. marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous: vehement clapping.
What does conceived mean?
transitive verb. 1a : to become pregnant with (young) conceive a child. b : to cause to begin : originate a project conceived by the company’s founder. 2a : to take into one’s mind conceive a prejudice.
What is vehemently in a sentence?
Vehemently sentence example. Still, it wasn’t the first time they had vehemently disagreed on something. While he now had the ability to chase his past, he refused vehemently to do so.
What does opposed mean?
transitive verb. 1 : to place over against something so as to provide resistance, counterbalance, or contrast one military force opposed to another concreteness as opposed to abstraction— L. E. Lynch. 2 : to place opposite or against something oppose the enemy oppose a congressional bill.
How do you use vehemently?
Vehemently in a Sentence 🔉
- The scorned young woman vehemently rejected her ex-boyfriend’s pleas to forgive him.
- Democrats are vehemently pro-choice.
- The actor vehemently delivered his monologue with passionate facial expressions and exaggerated hand gestures.