What does it mean when guys wear their pants low?

What does it mean when guys wear their pants low?

Sagging pants: wearing pants below the waist so that undergarments are showing. Most sources report that sagging pants began in the prison system. Sagging was said to be a symbol that the sagger was sexually available to other prisoners, or alternatively, already taken by another inmate.

How low do you sag your pants?

About 10cm should do it, as the sagging culture today is really about that stylish sag, not the overdone sag with it down around your knees. Stick with right above your mid-butt.

When did baggy pants go out of style?

The baggy jeans were very popular along with baggy bondage pants during the nu metal era which lasted from the late 90s to the early-to-mid 2000s. They continued to be popular in the 2000s, but by 2003 baggy jeans started to be replaced by boot-cut jeans and trousers among white men.

Is sagging still a thing 2019?

The sag has finally stopped, but not because of any public campaign. "People in the margins are constantly innovating in fashion and style because they often have the least," said Tanisha C.