What does it mean when a girl is giddy?

What does it mean when a girl is giddy?

This adjective can mean dizzy, elated, or — as in the spinning around example — a lightheaded, lighthearted combination of the two. The hackneyed phrase “giddy as a schoolgirl” calls forth the image of a kid giggling with her friends over some adolescent foolishness.

What is a conundrum person?

Among the learned at this time, conundrum was a pseudo-Latin word that was used to mean a silly, fussy person.

What ethnicity is quagmire?


How do you use quagmire in a sentence?

Quagmire sentence example

  1. I stumbled into a quagmire of my own making.
  2. quagmire of mud.
  3. The worst part for me was trudging through the quagmire of less than reputable shops in search of an apprenticeship.

What part of speech is quagmire?


part of speech: noun
definition 1: wet, soft, sucking ground; marsh; bog. The fallen tree was soon absorbed by the quagmire.The hunters took care to skirt around the quagmire. synonyms: bog, fen, marsh, mire, morass, swamp

How do you use quandary in a sentence?

Quandary in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Mark is in a quandary about whether or not he should keep the money he found in the park.
  2. When the lawyer told us our lawsuit options, we realized we were in a quandary about which legal path to take.

How do you use perdition in a sentence?

Perdition sentence example. Capernaum shall go to perdition ; Jerusalem shall be a desolate ruin. The idea of destruction or perdition is thus a secondary meaning of the word, which gradually lost its primary sense of consecration. He resigned himself to watch her drift towards perdition .

What is quixotic in a sentence?

Definition of Quixotic. unrealistic and impractical. Examples of Quixotic in a sentence. 1. Although Jack’s plan for killing the giant was quixotic, it was the village’s only hope.

How do you use agape in a sentence?

  1. He was left alone and agape.
  2. She stood looking at Carmen with her mouth agape.
  3. We watched, our mouths agape in excitement.
  4. He watched the spectacle, mouth agape.
  5. Vince watched, his mouth agape in horror.
  6. He watched with mouth agape.
  7. His grandmother watched, her toothless mouth agape.

What is the 4 types of love?

Four unique forms of love are found in Scripture. They are communicated through four Greek words (Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape) and are characterized by romantic love, family love, brotherly love, and God’s divine love.

What is the highest form of love?


Does God love everyone?

But that God does not love everyone with his “selective love toward his elect.” (pp 38-9). For the Calvinist, God does not truly have the same kind of love for everyone and God does not truly desire that everyone be saved….

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What is the God kind of love?

Many people have never experienced true love, agape love, which is the God kind of love. A person who is not born again relies on human love to get through this life, and too often they are disappointed through broken relationships or even abused by people they loved the most.

What are the 8 types of love?

Meet the 8 Different Types of Love

  • Philia — Affectionate Love. Philia is love without romantic attraction and occurs between friends or family members.
  • Pragma — Enduring Love.
  • Storge — Familiar Love.
  • Eros — Romantic Love.
  • Ludus — Playful Love.
  • Mania — Obsessive Love.
  • Philautia — Self Love.
  • Agape — Selfless Love.

How does Jesus define love?

As to the latter, think of Paul’s great hymn to love: “Love – agape – is patient and kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. Love never ends” (1 Cor. 13:4-8a).

Why is God’s love so important?

The teachings of the Baháʼí Faith hold that the love of God (philanthropia) is the primary reason for human creation, and one of the primary purposes of life. The love of God purifies human hearts and through it humans become transformed and self-sacrificing, as they reflect more the attributes and qualities of God.

What is the best definition of love?

According to the dictionary, love is “an intense feeling of deep affection.” Meanwhile, Urban Dictionary defines love as, “The act of caring and giving to someone else. Having someone’s best interest and wellbeing as a priority in your life. To truly love is a very selfless act.”