
What does it mean to smoke somebody?

What does it mean to smoke somebody?

1. To smoke someone can also mean to beat them in a contest/race by a large margin.

What does I’m gonna smoke you mean?

You mean “I’m gonna smoke you, sucka”, it’s an expression that means like I can beat you.

What does smoke them if you got them mean?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Smoke ’em if you got ’em is slang for “do what you want, if you have the means”.

Where did smoke them if you got them come from?

The first phrase was popular in the United States military during World War II, meaning to take a break. Officers would say “Smoke ’em if you got ’em”, allowing the soldiers to take a break and smoke their cigarettes, “if you got’ em” referring to the vagaries of war.

What is a Smoked Out ant?

They crush local black ants (Pachycondyla sennaarensis) and blend the crumbs in tobacco, drop them into a medhwak (smoking pipe) or sprinkle them on regular smokes before lighting up, according to Gulf News. …

Does tobacco keep bugs away?

Did you know that many bugs can’t stand tobacco juice? In fact, nicotine a fast acting nerve toxin in insects and mammals. If you see whiteflies, gnats, aphids, thrips or leafminers, try using tobacco spray to get rid of them.

Does vape juice attract ants?

They shouldn’t be attracted to the juice. However, if they got into your juice, do have the satisfaction in knowing that juice would kill them almost instantly. Nicotine, biologically, is synthesized as a natural pesticide, so your ant friends would be dead if they ate that stuff.

Does nicotine kill spiders?

I garden as well as keeping tarantulas. A very effective pesticide is to take cigarette butts (I don’t smoke) and some soap and let it soak over night. You will now have a nicotine spray that will kill almost all invertebrates on contact.

Does vaping attract flies?

THEY ARE DEFINITELY ATTRACTED TO SWEET VAPOUR. It has nothing to do with keeping the caps on your bottles, THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO THE VAPOUR. And vape mist attaches itself to surfaces (look up vaping indoors), so you may have a sweet coating on your walls, furniture, etc.

Can you vape in your house?

Similarly, when vaping happens inside, aerosol containing nicotine settles on surfaces and leaves behind a toxic residue much like tobacco products. Banning all use of electronic nicotine products, including e-cigarettes or “vapes”, inside the home prevents the build-up of toxic aerosol residue.

Does vaping cause damage to house?

The simple answer is that vaping can stain walls – eventually – but even if vapor does contain staining agents, it will not cause the same type of damage that cigarette smoking does. However, simple changes, such as vaping a zero-nicotine e-liquid, would completely eliminate the staining qualities of the vapor itself.

Does vaping smell up your house?

When people vape at home – the place they are at for a long time – they start feeling that shades of smell that differ from other sites. This is because vaping liquids are flavored and might contain nicotine. Nicotine, consumed in any form, gives us some unpleasant smell and makes the surrounding yellowish.

Does vaping leave a smell on clothes?

Vaping vapors period clings to your clothes, nowhere near as bad as cigarettes, but vapor smells like whatever food flavoring is added, and then both pg, and vg have slight odors to the them. Best way to avoid someone smelling your vape is to vape outside, and then air out a while after you stop.

Does vaping leave a smell in a car?

They don’t leave behind a very noticeable smell, especially if you’re outside, but if you vape inside, it can leave a temporary odor. They don’t leave behind a very noticeable smell, especially if you’re outside, but if you vape inside, it can leave a temporary odor.