What does it mean to juxtapose something?

What does it mean to juxtapose something?

transitive verb. : to place (different things) side by side (as to compare them or contrast them or to create an interesting effect) juxtapose unexpected combinations of colors, shapes and ideas— J. F. T. Bugental.

How do you use juxtapose in a sentence?

Juxtapose sentence example

  1. By looking at my old diary, I can juxtapose my past with my current life.
  2. It is easy to juxtapose things that are complete opposites.
  3. It is interesting to juxtapose the lifestyle of today’s teenage generation with their grandparents’ generation.

What kind of word is juxtaposition?

noun. an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.

Is Juxtaposingly a word?

juxtaposed Add to list Share. The word juxtaposed comes from the Latin juxta, meaning “next” and the French poser, meaning “to place.” When two objects are juxtaposed, they are placed next to each other, or side-by-side for comparison. It doesn’t just have to be objects.

Why are ice and hate juxtaposed in the poem?

Frost utilizes symbols within each line to convey his musing on the opposing ideas of desire versus hate. Desire is symbolized by fire whereas hate is symbolized by ice. He tells the reader that “some say the world will end in fire; some say in ice” (1)

What would ICE be sufficient for and why?

Ice’ symbolises hatred. While desire consumes quickly, hate can occur and linger in people’s minds and hearts for years and sometimes even lifetimes. Hate consumers the hater perhaps even more than the person or group hated and it can ruin lives. Hate can, thus, be very destructive and sufficient to bring destruction

What will be the cause of the end of the world if it had to perish twice?

Answer: According to the poet, the world will end due to the fire, which symbolize desire. But if the world had to end twice then it will be due to the hatred by ‘ice’. The poet feels that there is enough hatred in the world that is spreading among the people

How can fire and ice destroy the world?

Fire And Ice’ is a short poem by Robert Frost. In this poem, the poet refers to two predictions of how the world will end. He presents two opposite views about the end of humanity and the world. So, the fire due to evil desires and ice of wicked hatred are the two opposite opinions enough to destroy the world

Can hatred destroy the world?

Answer: yes ofcourse hatred can destroy the world as the poet also said that if the world had to perish twice so Ice would suffice if people start hating each other so there would be a time when this hate would make them a beast who can kill others

Why is hate compared to ice?

‘Hatred’ makes us cold towards other’s feelings. The coldness of ice can numb our senses. Similarly, the coldness of our hearts can numb our kindness. That is why ‘hatred’ has been compared with ice

Who knows enough hate?

Answer: Lines 6-8. The speaker has also experienced hate, a cold emotion, and he knows it can destroy things – namely, the world. He was absolutely certain that he has tasted desire, but he only “thinks” he knows “enough” about hate

Which emotion is stronger to the narrator fire or ice?

Here is the answer, The poet in the poem Fire and ice Fire is stronger than ice. He had experienced it from his desires that humans desire is the main cause of destruction of the world.It had arisen so many problems rather than hatred which symbolise ice

What emotion does ICE represent?

Pay close attention to The Commandments. In Frost’s poem, “Fire and Ice,” the speaker symbolizes fire as desire or love, and ice is symbolized to be destruction and hate. Another way to symbolize ice in this poem is coldness. Frost immediately connects fire with desire because of its perfect rhyme

What emotions are associated with fire and ice?

The poem is revolving around the theme that human emotions are destructive. Fire stands for passion and desire and ice stands for hatred. Both the emotions are dangerous and may bring the world to an end. In these lines the poet discusses about the possibilities by which the world will come to an end.

Why does the poet think it is destructive?

Ans. The poet says that both fire and ice are destructive. Here fire stands for the heat of desire and ice stands for hatred He thinks that our violent desires will end the world. If it survives, it will be ruined by hatred

What would be a better option to end the earth *?

Hey! ⚡ The answer is NONE. There is no way to end earth

What do you think would be enough to destroy the world?

Answer: Both fire and ice some say the world that will destroy it so far by changing according to atmosphere. It is now changing with perish twice and thus it should undergo natural disasters to destroy the world. So, fire and ice took major contribution and exactly are human beings takes part in the planet

How will fire destroy the whole world?

How can fire destroy the world? Fire’ symbolizes passion or hatred. It will lead to conflicts and ultimately result in the destruction of the world. Fire represents desire that is fervent, consuming, always wanting more

Why does the poet Favour fire?

The poet takes side with those who believe that the world will be destroyed by fire. The poet favours fire because he doesn’t want hatred towards any other human being and desire is much better than hatred, that’s why poet favours fire rather than ice

What deep meaning does the Fire and Ice carry in it?

The poem tells that the possible idea of the destruction of the world would be through fire (desire) or ice (hatred). The poet, through this poem, wants to convey that selfish desires and hatred holds the power in it to destroy the whole world. The meaning of the poem is that humans can be self-destructive

What is fire a symbol of *?

Fire is viewed by Christians, the Chinese, and the Hebrews as being a symbol of divinity (Cooper, 1978). In Christianity, fire can also be symbolic of religious zeal and martyrdom. In Egypt it represents a sense of superiority and control. Many cultures view fire as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

What can smoke symbolize?

Smoking, perceived as exclusive to the adult world, could be one such symbol and may represent a potent means for transforming one’s status or identity. To present smoking as an initiation into the adult world is not a new idea.

Why fire is considered pure?

Fire is the only tattva which burns all impurities to ashes without getting itself impure. Other tattvas like water, air etc can get impure when used to clean impurities. Other tattvas like water, air etc can get impure when used to clean impurities.

What does an owl symbolize?

Owl Symbolism and Meaning An owl is to the night as an eagle is to the day. Owls are generally a symbol of paranormal wisdom, regal silence, and fierce intelligence. While some cultures believe owls to be magicians or heralds of death, the white owl symbolizes wisdom and endurance

Are Owls a good omen?

Myth: Owls are bad luck/Owls are omens of death. Reality: Owls are no more bad luck than black cats, broken mirrors, or spilled salt. In many cultures, owls are seen as bad luck or omens of death and are feared, avoided or killed because of it.

What do owls symbolize in Mexican culture?

Mexican people believe that an owl is a representative of symbolic death and illness, with its haunting cry intimating that misfortune is approaching. In some old cultures listening to an owl at night meant someone was to die soon. It is also the symbol of wisdom, there it is connected to the Law and Lawyers.