What does it mean to have no scruples?

What does it mean to have no scruples?

a feeling that prevents you from doing something that you think is morally wrong or makes you uncertain about doing it: Robin Hood had no scruples about robbing the rich to give to the poor. He is a man without scruple – he has no conscience.

What is the difference between scruples and morals?

Morals refer to the affirmative representation of what is right and proper; scruples refer to the negative sense that the right and proper may be lacking.

What is a synonym for scruples?

Some common synonyms of scruple are compunction, demur, and qualm. While all these words mean “a misgiving about what one is doing or going to do,” scruple implies doubt of the rightness of an act on grounds of principle.

What part of speech is scruples?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: intransitive verb
inflections: scruples, scrupling, scrupled
definition: to refrain for ethical or moral reasons; have scruples. similar words: balk, demur, falter, halt, hesitate, pause, refuse, shy
related words: demur, halt, hesitate, refuse

What is the opposite of scruples?

What is the opposite of scruples?

amorality corruption
dishonesty disrespectability
immorality indecency

What is the meaning of jump at?

: to eagerly take (a chance, offer, etc.) She jumped at the chance/opportunity to show her boss what she could do. He jumped at the offer of a better job.

What is the synonym of solicitous?

Words related to solicitous zealous, attentive, mindful, loving, anxious, apprehensive, ardent, avid, beside oneself, careful, concerned, devoted, eager, earnest, heedful, impatient, keen, raring, regardful, tender.

What’s a word for laid back?

What is another word for laid-back?

calm nonchalant
relaxed casual
composed collected
cool insouciant
unconcerned unruffled

What does it mean to sustain something?

1 : to give support or relief to. 2 : to supply with sustenance : nourish. 3 : keep up, prolong. 4 : to support the weight of : prop also : to carry or withstand (a weight or pressure) 5 : to buoy up sustained by hope.

How do you use sustain in a sentence?

Sustain sentence example

  1. She sighed, no longer able to sustain her hope.
  2. We don’t have the people or supplies to sustain ourselves on the regular army side.
  3. These passages inspire a hope, but do not sustain a certainty.
  4. But his character was too weak to sustain the part.

Do lawyers actually say objection?

So, no, we don’t shout objection. Sometimes opposing counsel will respond to the objection, or the judge will ask them for a response. Eventually, the judge will say sustained or overruled. If the objection is sustained, then that means the objection was successful.

Can a judge object to evidence?

An objection is how you tell the judge that the other person’s evidence, testimony, or question shouldn’t be allowed. You can object to the entry of any form of evidence, as long as your objection is based on the rules of evidence in your jurisdiction.

What are the 4 types of objections?

Four Types of Objections Price, cost, budget, or ROI concerns all fall into this category. Price objections are often really about risk.

What are the three types of objections?

The following are the most common substantive objections in mock trial:

  • Relevance of Answer/Question.
  • Question Lacks Foundation.
  • Lacks Personal Knowledge/Speculation.
  • Creation of a Material Fact.
  • Improper Character Evidence.
  • Lay Witness Opinion.
  • Hearsay.

Can you object during opening statements?

Opening statements are, in theory, not allowed to be argumentative, or suggest the inferences that fact-finders should draw from the evidence they will hear. Objections, though permissible during opening statements, are very unusual, and by professional courtesy are usually reserved only for egregious conduct.

What can you say in an opening statement?

Opening Statement Checklist

  • State your theme immediately in one sentence.
  • Tell the story of the case without argument.
  • Persuasively order your facts in a sequence that supports your theme.
  • Decide whether to address the bad facts in the opening or not.
  • Do not read your opening statement.
  • Bring an outline, if necessary.

What is an opening statement examples?

Some examples:

  • “This is a case about taking chances.”
  • “Mary Jones had a dream and a plan.”
  • “Revenge. That’s what this case is all about.”
  • “This is also a case about pain. Mr. Johnson’s only companion today is constant pain.”
  • “This is a case about police brutality”

Who gives opening statements first?

Overview. The opening statement is the lawyer’s first opportunity to address the jury in a trial. Generally, the party who bears the burden of proof (plaintiff in a civil case or prosecution in a criminal case) begins the opening statements, followed immediately after by the adverse party (defendant).

What are opening and closing statements?

As the terms suggest, an “opening statement” comes at the beginning of the trial, while a “closing argument” occurs at the end of the trial after all the evidence is established.

What is a prosecution opening statement?

The opening statements outline the evidence each side intends to present during the trial. The prosecution delivers its opening statement first. The defense attorney usually follows immediately with a statement, but may delay it until after the prosecution presents all its evidence.

What is an opening statement in a court case?

The opening statement at the beginning of the trial is limited to outlining facts. This is each party’s opportunity to set the basic scene for the jurors, introduce them to the core dispute(s) in the case, and provide a general road map of how the trial is expected to unfold.