What does it mean to have a cradle in your birth chart?

What does it mean to have a cradle in your birth chart?

THE CRADLE This figure consists of a harsh red opposition aspect, and behind that five blue aspects which seek to create rest and harmony (three sextiles and two crossed trines). This is the person who longs to make a life a cradle where they can snuggle up and shut off the rest of the world.

Is a Yod good or bad?

Most astrologers agree that if you have a yod in your natal birth chart, it is a very big deal. “I strongly believe that Yod astrology is very significant and does live up to the hype as a very fated aspect pattern denoting a special mission or destiny in life,” says Australian astrologer Jamie Partridge.

What does a Yod mean in a birth chart?

Finger of God

Are Grand Trines rare?

A grand trine makes us highly idealistic as well as insightful and perspective, having a peace-loving disposition. It can also make us highly creative and articulate. A grand trine in the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius is quite rare.

What does a grand fire trine mean?

When planets are in a fire sign and their degree creates a triangular relationship, it’s called a Fire Trine. It is believed that a Grand trine in any of the elements can have a powerful effect on confidence, creativity, flow, and harmony.

What does a Grand Water Trine mean?

When a grand trine forms, it will be in one of the elements (fire, earth, air, or water). This makes a person especially watery, fiery, earthy, or airy. A fire grand trine represents active inspiration, bold creativity, enthusiasm, pride, and sometimes self-absorption.

What is a golden Yod?

A golden Yod occurs when one planet forms biquintiles (144° aspect) to two others separated by a quintile(72° aspect). Because these aspects are seen as beneficial, the golden yod is seen as beneficial and often as reflecting characteristics acquired by the person whose chart contains it.

Are Trines good in astrology?

Trines, formed by a 120° angle on the chart, are generally considered the best and most auspicious aspect of them all, bringing luck, harmony, major synchronicity, and potential for positive changes. “The simplest way to understand a trine is understanding the elements.

What is a trine in birth chart?

“Trine” normally means “threefold” or “triple.” In astrology, it means “being the favorable astrological aspect of two celestial bodies 120 degrees apart.” On the chart, “trine” generally relates to flow, with planets in a harmonious angle of support.

How many degrees is a Trine?


What signs are trine to each other?

Just remember — all signs of the same elements are trines. The elements are air, earth, fire and water. (Air Signs) Aquarius, Gemini and Libra are trine each other. (Earth Signs) Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are trine each other.

What does a Trine mean?

: threefold, triple

What is Lilith in astrology?

Black Moon Lilith is the geometric point in the sky that marks the furthest point of the moon’s orbit around the earth. In an astrology chart, Black Moon Lilith represents a person’s primitive impulses and behavior in their rawest form.

What conjunction means in astrology?

In astrology, a conjunction is formed when two or more planets line up exactly. When they line up, their vibrations blend and work together. A Great Conjunction happens when Jupiter and Saturn align. Both planets are associated with authority, but each very differently.

What planets are trine?

These three planets, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are all 120 degrees apart from each other, forming three trines.

What is a trine in time?

According to the book The World of The Dark Crystal from Brian Froud and J. J. Llewellyn, a Trine is Thra’s version of a year. The book goes on to state that a trine – which is also known as antep – is the time it takes Thra to orbit around The Great Sun.

What do transits mean in astrology?

“In astrology, the term transits refers to the ongoing movement of the planets, in contrast to their positions at your birth or when some other notable event occurred. Every planet makes transits, so we refer to Venus transits, Neptune transits, Uranus transits, and so forth.

What is a Stellium?

A stellium, known in older forms of astrology as a satellitium, is simply a cluster of three (or, if the moon or sun are involved, four) or more planets in a single sign or house. In other words, with so many planets hanging out in Capricorn, you’re bound to exhibit quite a few Goat-like traits.

Are Stelliums rare?

The four-planet stellium is not rare. If you were born January 12th, 2020 you would have had the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all at 22 degrees of Capricorn. If you have 3 planets in late Sagittarius and several planets in early Capricorn you’ve got a stellium.

Can you have 2 Stelliums?

Absolutely. But you haven’t really described two stelliums in your question. The planets need to be close to each other to create a stellium – 3 or more planets – within about 8 degrees of each other – giving the Sun and Moon about 10 degrees to reach another planet in the sign or house.

What is a 7th House Stellium?

People with stellium in the seventh house are the least likely to marry or remain married. Putting too much energy into a relationship can make them feel “swallowed” by the other person. They often feel lonely, or suddenly the relationships end by obsession.

Who rules 7th house?

For instance, you may find that you have a Gemini 7th House. Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury. The Chart Report would show you in which House your Mercury is placed. Perhaps your Mercury is in your 10th House….The Seventh House: About You.

Symbol Sign Name
Ar Aries
Ta Taurus
Ge Gemini
Ca Cancer

What does Sun in the 7th house mean?

Sun In Seventh House: Personality Traits The Sun symbolizes the face that you show the world and how you identify yourself. So with the Sun in the 7th house, you feel a high moral obligation for everything to be fair. You pride yourself on being able to compromise and restore balance when things are out of whack.

Do I have a Stellium?

Identify which houses your planets fall under. If you have three or more planets nestled in one house, you have a stellium. Then, see if you have three or more planets in a particular zodiac sign. That’s a stellium, too!

What can I use if I don’t have a Stellium?

A stellium happens when 4 or more planets are in the same sign or same house (some say 3 too). Not having a sign based stellium means your planets are more spread out, so you have a larger variety of energy (different planets influenced by different signs) giving your personality more dimensions and contradictions.

How do you know if you are Venus dominant?

If you have a Venus dominant planet in the birth chart, you are drawn to beauty and charm, and you also display these qualities very strongly. Venus dominant people are often very beautiful, charismatic, graceful. There is an air of elegance around them, no matter where they go or what they do.

Which planet is strong in birth chart?

Planets with directional strength are very strong. Mercury and Jupiter are strongest when in the First House, Venus and Moon when in the Fourth house, Mars and the Sun (and the South Node) when in the Tenth House, and Saturn (and the North Node) when in the Seventh House.

What planet is ruled by Leo?
