What does it mean to feel convicted?

What does it mean to feel convicted?

conviction. A conviction is something certain: a judgment of guilty in court and a strong belief are both convictions. In the legal world, when a judge or jury convicts someone of a crime — finding them guilty — this is called a conviction. … When you have a conviction, you're certain of something.

What is the biblical definition of guilt?

GUILT (IN THE BIBLE) In the Bible many Hebrew and Greek words, which are usually translated as "sin," should in many contexts be rendered as "guilt," i.e., the condition that follows upon the act of sin and perdures.

Is conviction an emotion?

confuse emotion with conviction at your peril. … Insight: A decision made in or based on EMOTION has built-in escape hatches. Which means ultimately that decision has no stamina, no power, and it's tough to ever have any real confidence in it. CONVICTION is a potent & limitless fuel supply.

What are your personal convictions?

Personal convictions are a special set of our beliefs, that determine (for you) what you believe to be right and wrong. They drive your behaviors and actions in every decision involving right and wrong. They determine your response to other people's actions, including both your actions and your emotional response.