What does it mean to blanch broccoli?

What does it mean to blanch broccoli?

Blanching is a cooking method in which vegetables are cooked for a short time–either in boiling water X Research source or with steam–and then immediately cooled in an ice water bath. When done properly, blanching broccoli will preserve the vegetable's bright-green color and crisp texture.

Is parboiling the same as blanching?

Pages 488-89: parboil To partially cook food by boiling it briefly in water. Page 68: Both involve briefly cooking food in boiling water; however, blanching involves plunging into an ice bath immediately afterwards to halt the cooking process, while parboiling does not.

Should you parboil carrots before roasting?

Some vegetables, like green beans or zucchini, it's fine to just pop them in the oven to roast them. However, with carrots (like potatoes) I prefer to par-boil them a bit before roasting. This ensures a done carrot that's perfectly roasted and not burned on the outside and raw on the inside.