What does it mean to be someones Ward?

What does it mean to be someones Ward?

a person, especially a minor, who has been legally placed under the care of a guardian or a court. the state of being under the care or control of a legal guardian. guardianship over a minor or some other person legally incapable of managing his or her own affairs.

Is Camelot real?

Although most scholars regard it as being entirely fictional, there are many locations that have been linked with King Arthur’s Camelot. Camelot was the name of the place where King Arthur held court and was the location of the famous Round Table. The earliest reference to Arthur is in a poem dating from around AD 594.

Was King Arthur really a girl?

It was determined that a Female main character with a Male Servant wouldn’t sell as well as a Male main character with a Female Servant. So once that was settled on the easiest thing to do was to just swap the genders, and so bam, female King Arthur is born.

Who is Merlin’s greatest enemy?


Is Excalibur real?

The sword of St Galgano, said to have been plunged into a rock by a medieval Tuscan knight, has been authenticated, bolstering Italy’s version of the Excalibur legend. For centuries the sword was assumed to be a fake. …

Who is the son of King Arthur?

Uther Pendragon

Did Guinevere cheat on King Arthur?

Throughout the myths of King Arthur and his court, Guinevere represents both loyalty and betrayal. Even after she betrays Arthur by having an affair with Lancelot, Guinevere regrets the betrayal and stays with Arthur, devoting herself to no other man even after his death.

How many wives did King Arthur have?

Guinevere, according to legend, was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. She was the daughter of King Leodegrance of Cameliard. Older versions of the Arthurian legend mention Guinevere as only one of Arthur’s wives. Sometimes Arthur marries three women, all named Guinevere.

Who does Guinevere marry?


How did Percival die?

Despite his many years defeating the Saxons, he was finally killed by his own son Mordred at the battle of Camlann. Did Sir Percival have other adventures? Most famous of all, Percival went on the Quest of the Holy Grail, with all the Knights of the Round Table.

What age did King Arthur die?

It is unknown exactly how old King Arthur was when he died. Most estimations place him between 35 and 50, while some are closer to 75.

Why Merlin is called Emrys?

Merlin is called Emrys because that was the name that was given to him when he was born in Caer-Fyrddin. Later he became known as Merlin, which is a Latin translation of the Welsh word Myrddin. Merlin began to make an appearance in the early 10th century. One Merlin was Myrddin Emrys and the second was Myrddin Wylt.

What happened to Camelot after King Arthur died?

In the Arthurian legends, Camelot was destroyed at the end, and no one took Arthur’s throne. He had no legitimate children, no brothers, and his acknowledged illegitimate son, Mordred, died during the same final battle as Arthur. For Arthur didnt die.

What happened when King Arthur died?

The Battle of Camlann (Welsh: Gwaith Camlan or Brwydr Camlan) is a legendary final battle of King Arthur during the early 6th century. In it, Arthur either died or was fatally wounded while fighting either with or against Mordred, who is also said to have died.

Why did Mordred kill King Arthur?

Mordred was known to mock and scorn other knights as well and secretly wanted to destroy his father, King Arthur. Eventually Mordred destroyed King Arthur by using the two people King Arthur loved the most, Lancelot, his best knight, and Guinevere, his wife.

Was Merlin a real person?

The real Merlin, Myrddin Wyllt, was born in about 540 and had a twin sister called Gwendydd. He served as a bard to Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio, a Brythonic or British king who ruled Arfderydd, a kingdom including parts of what are now Scotland and England in the area around Carlisle.

Was Merlin good or evil?

Merlin was born well before Arthur. He is brought to the court of the evil Vortigern and plays an important role in ensuring the downfall of Vortigern’s kingdom. In contemporary versions of the legend, Merlin is almost always depicted as good.

Did Arthur rise again in Merlin?

Arthur being the Once and Future King means that Arthur was the king, as you saw, and he will come back when Albion’s need is greatest so is also the Future King. Once and Future King. In accordance with the Season 5 Finale, Merlin is all that is left of Albion, so Arthur will come back when Merlin’s need is greatest.

How did Merlin die in real life?

Vivien led Merlin to the rock and insisted that Merlin uncover the powers because it was he who deserved them. He was the greatest wizard in the world. As Merlin went to lift the rock a slew of monstrous rocks collapsed on top of Merlin, thus dooming Merlin to the grave.

Why is Merlin so powerful?

Merlin had magic since he was born, and had used/practiced it since he was a child. HIs mother realized that he needed a mentor, since she didn’t have magic. So, Merlin comes to Camelot and benefits from Giaus’ wisdom and past history of practicing magic. SO, Merlin’s magic has been a part of him his whole life.

Was Merlin a Slytherin?

Merlin himself was sorted into Slytherin when he was at Hogwarts, and the young wizard went on to become one of the most famous wizards in history. The Order of Merlin, named to commemorate him, has been awarded since the fifteenth century.

Why was the ending of Merlin so bad?

But the way the series narrated story kind of upsetting. Merlin failed his quests and destiny as he ignored the dragon’s warning about Morgana and Mordred and the alliance between them. In this way, it won’t be so bad even Arthur died in the end as Merlin already accomplished his quest & destiny.